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I stopped the car a bit far from my house as I could see the lights switched on meaning one thing; mother dearie is awake. Believe me you would never want to piss off my mom. She's scary when angry. I mentally shuddered at the thought. I turned towards the stranger sitting beside me to see him already staring at me.

I cleared my throat before speaking "So umm t-this is my neighbourhood. We'll have to walk a bit"

He just nodded his head and stepped out. I followed suit. I started walking but stopped short when I noticed him standing at his original place. "What now?" I snapped.

"I need your hand, cutie." He said gruffly. I huffed and roughly grabbed his hand dragging him with me. I felt a tingling sensation in my hand but decided to ignore it.

I put a finger on my lips telling him to keep silent. I quietly put in the key and twisted the door knob. I tiptoed in with the stranger behind me. Come to think of it, why do I keep calling him stranger? He must have a name. I'll ask him later if we survive today.

Suddenly, light flooded the hallway and I quickly shoved the stranger behind the furniture. Man I was so quick even Usain Bolt will be impressed. I shook my head to clear the thoughts and focused on my mother, who was standing at the end of the hallway with a serious expression on her face. I gulped.

She started walking slowly towards me and circled around me, scrutinising my every move. I fidgeted on my spot and avoided her piercing gaze. "Why are you covered in blood?" She asked with a poker face.

Shoot. Blood. I totally forgot that my white tank top was now covered in patches of blood all thanks to that bloodied stranger. "I..uh-mm....I...t-this is n-not blood. It's red p-paint." I fibbed.

She narrowed her eyes at me and then laughed. "Pheww! Man what was I thinking that my nerd of a daughter could murder someone. Haha. No offense, darling" she wiped the tears that had escaped while laughing so hard.

While she was in her own world I was blushing with embarrassment. You see, my mother is a total drama queen. She likes pretending that she's a strict mother and unfortunately I even believe her at times but what she refuse to accept is that she's a 16 years old girl trapped in a 35 years old woman's body.

"Go on darling go to your room and don't come this late again" with that she walked back to her room. Groaning I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs to my room.

While I was cleaning my side table I had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I was forgetting something. I wonder what it is. I picked up my grey binder, the color was the same like the strangers eyes.

Waitt...ohhhh. I quickly ran downstairs trying not to make any noise and searched for the stranger but he was nowhere to be found. In my panicky state I tripped over my brothers jersey and was about to kiss the floor when something strong wrapped around my waist, perhaps and arm. I trailed my eyes upwards to see that the owner of that arm was none other than the stranger.

Noticing our close proximity I felt the heat on my cheeks. He chuckled and brought his face even closer to me. I stopped breathing at once. His breath was fogging my glasses. His lips moved to my ear and he whispered huskily "Careful there, kitten. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours to be destroyed, now would we?" He then stepped back and closed my mouth with his finger which was hanging open in shock.

Trying to cover the fact that he was successful in rendering me speechless for a moment I glared at him in annoyance. That's when I noticed that he was clean of blood. And there were several bandages on his arms and face. When did that happen?

As if reading my thoughts he said "When you left me all alone downstairs to chit chat with the walls I searched for the bathroom and cleaned myself up. There was a first aid box there hence, the bandages."

Oh he sure as hell is making himself feel at home. I thought to myself. "Well since you're all better now you can thank me and leave" I replied sassily.

"Where's the fun in that, cutie?" He smirked dangerously.

"What do you mean?" I quizzed.

"What I mean is that I'll be staying the night making myself comfortable in your room while you make some food for me" he replied.

Oh hell no. Who does he think he is? "Sorry to burst your happy bubble but you're a complete stranger, heck i don't even know your name and for all I know you could be a serial killer. And who the hell do you think you are ordering me around in my own house?"

"Well my name is Aiden. Aiden Brooke. See now you know my name hence I'm no more a stranger. And princess, I can order you around as much as I want because I am Aiden Brooke" he smirked cockily.

"I'm Gillian Gregory and I don't take orders. Especially from people like you" I spat.

He put his hands on his chin as if he's thinking about something. "Hmm well how about now.." He grabbed me from my waist jerking me forward and bent down, his face extremely close and his minty breath fanning my face. He touched his nose with mine. "So will you bring me the food, kitten?" He huskily said.

I could feel the butterflies swarming in my stomach and my legs felt like jelly. He knew he had this kind of affect on me judging from his knowing smile "Y-yes." I stuttered.

He straightened himself. "That's what I thought" and with that he walked upstairs, probably to my room.

Oh boy I'm in deep deep trouble.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. Comment and vote. Especially comment. I want to know a bit about my readers. :)


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