9 (part 2)

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Her outfit to the side.



We left the crowded place after the fight. I didn't ask him where we were going. I didn't need to.

I trust him.

He stopped the vehicle just before an ice cream parlour. I jumped off from the bike in glee and started running towards the door. I heard him chuckle but I paid him no heed.

I burst through the doors which an excited giggle but stopped short when I saw the whole parlour filled with kids with siblings or parents and each and every one of them was staring at me.

Heck, even the employes were staring at me, wide-eyed. I hid my burning face behind my hand and slowly back treated.

My back met a wall. Oh, a human wall. I quickly turned around to apologize but I found myself staring at those deep eyes which took my breath away.

Each and every time.

I blushed even more if that's even possible and apologized. Aiden just chuckled in amusement. He turned me around, thankfully everyone went back to their work, he steered me forward with his hands on my shoulder.

We finally found an empty table for two and plopped down. I decided to get plain vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. While Aiden decided to get a strawberry ice cream with strawberry syrup. His choice of flavour made me laugh but who am I to judge.

After we were done with our ice cream, he dropped me at my place. He, surprisingly, walked me to the door. We stood facing each other on the porch.

"So...." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah. So I'll see you tomorrow at school?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I smiled at him.

Instead of answering me he just stared at me. I kept the smile on my face not wanting to make things any more awkward.

He broke the silence. "You should smile more." With that he walked away leaving me blushing crazy.


I woke up with a smile on my face. The birds were chirping, the light shone even more brightly. Something changed in the air.


Crap! Why am I quoting Stephen Wheatly from the book Spy?

I'm being dramatic as usual. I snorted to myself.

I quickly got up and decided to change into a badass outfit. I just had this sudden urge to dress up more 'badass-y'. I don't even know why.

Hence, I ripped apart my closet searching for the perfect outfit.

I finally found it.

It was a plain grey shirt, blue jeans and a leather jacket on the top. I paired my outfit with white vans.

After I was dressed, I checked myself in the full length mirror. I looked good. Instead of putting my hair in a ponytail or a bun, I let them as it is, cascading a bit down my shoulders.

I also put on a thick eyeliner to complete the look and a bit of lip gloss.


I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I greeted Zach at the table who was scouring down his pancakes like a pig. Boys and their food.

I too grabbed a pancake and dug in. I moaned in delight. Yummy

"What's up with the outfit?" Zach asked curiously.

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