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Gillian and Zach to the side.


"Oh I see. Gillian you never introduced me to your boyfriend. My my aren't you a hypocrite." He tsk.

I gulp and slowly turn around to come face to face with Aiden The Asshole.

Great. Just great.

"He's not my boyfriend." I tell him.

"Oh really? You two were getting all mushy mushy because you're great friends, right?" He questions sarcastically.

"We weren't getting mushy mushy! And even if we were that's none if your business." I snap.

"Aww don't get angry. I'm your best friend, of course it's my business." He smirks.

"You are not my friend." I seethed.

He just chuckled and walk away with Hanna, who was attached to his side throughout our conversation.

I rub my temples. I'm so ready to go back home.

"You alright?" Lucas asks me. I totally forgot that he was here.

"Uhh-yeah." I mumble.

"So. Umm if you don't mind me asking what's the deal with Aiden?" He curiously asks.

"Honestly? I don't know. We just don't like each other. Anyways, I want water let's go to the kitchen." I say.

We head towards the kitchen and I spot Emily standing with Vincent and Alex. We walk towards them and greet them.

"Where were you two?" Alex asks.

"Just dancing." I reply curtly.

We stayed there for another half an hour and decided to leave home. Alex lives near my place so he offered to drop me.

I fumble with his radio as we drive through the parking lot. The drive is silent not the awkward one but a comfortable one.

Ten minutes into the drive and Alex breaks the silence. "I wanted to ask you something, Gil."

"Yeah sure." I twist my head towards his direction.

"Why did you hide it from us?" He asks with hurt lacing his tone.

"Hide what?" I ask confused.

"That the schools most popular guy our very own quarterback Zach is your brother." He says in an accusing tone.

I sit still for a moment. I don't know how to respond to that.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I really am. I didn't want you guys or anyone else for that matter to treat me differently just because I'm 'the quarterback's' sister." I say in a soft voice.

"It's okay, Gil. I was just hurt that you didn't trust us enough to tell us that. But don't worry, I understand your reason." He gives me a comforting smile.

"Thankyou, Al. You're the best. And please I do trust you guys. I'll tell the others soon." I promise him.

And that's the last of our conversation through the rest of the ride. When he stops the car infront of my house, I thank him and get out of the car.

When I'm inside the comforts of my home I sigh in relief. Today had been exhausting. Sure, it was fun but exhausting nonetheless. As i'm about to go upstairs to my room a voice stops me on my track.

"Finally, you're back." My twin says.

I'm so not in the mood for this. "Zach please. I'm not in the mood." I pleadingly say.

He grabs my shoulder and turns me around. His eyes frantically searching my face for any injuries. "What? Why? What happened? Who hurt you? I'll kill the bitch." He spats furiously.

I roll my eyes. "Chill bro. I'm just tired. Physically and emotionally." I mumble the last part under my breath.

Guess it wasn't really under my breath because his expression changes to a concerned one. He grabs my arm and enter my room. "Go change I'm waiting here."

I oblige and come out of the bathroom dressed in my pajamas. I take a seat beside him on my bed. We stay like that for a while before he breaks the silence.

"Gilly, I want you to know something. Don't interrupt just listen, ok?" He pleads.

I just nod my head. Too tired to argue.

He takes a deep breath. "You remember our eighth birthday, right? Why am I even asking, of course you do. I want you to know that the moment he said all those things to you I wanted to punch him. Really bad. But I was an eight year old and didn't have the guts to do it. Anyways, I confronted him after you went to your room. I shouted at him and demanded him to give me an explanation. He didn't give me any. I asked him to apologize to you and treat you well. Like a real daughter. But he did not agree. He said that he will try and treat you like a real daughter but he won't apologize. But on one condition. He made me promise one thing. He said that if I spend some time with him like a real father-son relationship then he would treat you nicely. Gosh, I don't even know why he wanted to have a perfect relation with me. His idea of a perfect family didn't include you, I guess. Thinking about it makes me sick." He pauses.

And then continues. "Anyways, I made a promise with him so I did what he said. But then I noticed that he wasn't treating you any differently. I once again confronted him and he said some really bad things about you. I punched him. He was shocked at first. But his shock quickly morphed into anger. In fact, he was furious. So furious that he punched me back. Not once. Not twice. But repeatedly. I couldn't fight back. I was weak so I let him punch me. When he was done he spat at my face and said 'All I wanted was a perfect family. Is it too much to ask? You messed with the wrong man.' I was so scared. He then threatened me that if I tell anyone that he abused me then he would...he would make you his next target. I immediately promised him that I won't do such thing. This all happened when we were 11. From that day on he would use me as his punching bag whenever he was angry. I didn't fight back but I knew I'll eventually have to. That's when I started acting like a perfect son for him so he wouldn't hit me. He was very happy with it. Happy to an extent that he even agreed to see a psychiatrist for my sake. He was somehow getting better with the help of his psychiatrist. Or so I thought. Remember our 15th birthday? The day he left us for good? Yeah. So a couple of days before our birthday i decided to do some searching of my own on his mental health and guess what I found?" He ask me.

I was still processing all the stuff so I didn't answer.

He continued. "He was cheating on mom with his psychiatrist. Before I could even confront him mom found out about it. Though she didn't know that the lady was actually his psychiatrist. After he left I was so happy. No, scratch that. I was ecstatic. I was excited and relived to patch up our relation. But...but you never gave me a chance. Whenever I tried talking to you about dad you would shut me out. Eventually, I stopped trying. But now, today, after seeing you with such a heartbroken look on your face I knew I had to tell you. I knew i had to win back my baby sister. I'm so so sorry, Gillian. Please forgive me." I can see tears pooling up in his eyes.

I am sobbing hysterically. I'm beyond speechless. All of those times I hated on my own twin for being selfish but all along he was protecting me. From a monster of a father. God, how can I be so stupid?

He pulls me in for a hug and we both cry our eyes out, hopefully for the last time, before eventually falling asleep like old times.

However, I do hear him say one thing before drifting into sleep.

"You will tell me about Aiden tomorrow."

How did he even know?

A/N: Guys do vote and comment. It would mean a lot.


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