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Suppressing a groan I put on a fake smile and greeted another snobby child "Hi! How may I help you?"

The child eyed me with disdain and pointed towards a cute stuffed minion "I want that"

"Sweetie, you have to play the game to win it" I said trying to keep my calm.

"I don't care about your stupid game I want that!!" He started wailing loudly. Not wanting to hear his annoying voice I quickly gave him the minion and shooed him away.

Phew that was tiring, I thought to myself. Looking around, I quietly observed parents with their kids, couples getting cozy and friends fooling around. I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment of peace but instead dozed off.


"Ow!" I jerked awake and looked around wildly to find the owner of the voice. Seeing the fair empty I concluded that it was already past closing time. Cursing myself for dozing off I quickly packed my stuff. But I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was another presence around me, shaking away the feeling of paranoia I stepped out.

A blood curdling scream left my mouth when a man fell at my feet covered in blood from head to toe. I froze for a moment. A plea of help shook me out of my reverie and I bent down to examine the strangers face, well the part of the face which was not covered in blood, to see if he was someone I recognised.

Not being able to see properly I moved a bit more closer to him. Sharp jawline, full lips, high cheekbone, a bit crooked nose, long eyelashes, stormy grey eyes staring right back at me......wait...staring right back at me? Whattt?!! I quickly moved back and cleared my throat uncomfortably trying hard not to blush.

Even though his lips were probably busted but I could still see a hint of a smirk. "Caught red handed?" He smirked widely.

A gasp escaped my lips hearing his deep and lustrous voice.
Oh my god, what am I thinking? Lustrous voice? Really Gillian? You need to get a grip. For all you know he can be a 100 years old pervert. My inner voice mocked me. 'But he's so..so..fit to be a 100 year old man' I snapped back.

While having an inner battle with my thoughts I completely forgot the man who was looking at me with amusement. He cleared his throat to get my attention and boy he did get it. I basically blushed profusely for making a fool out of myself. I need to get a grip.

"Uhmm..I-I'm s-sorry what d-did you s-say" I stuttered. Way to go Gil, now he probably thinks you're a naive little girl affected by him. My inner voice once again made its presence known.

"You're cute when you blush" I heard him say. I choked on my own saliva and probably turned ten shades of red.

Composing myself a bit I looked towards him firmly trying to intimidate him. "Who are you? And why are your so bloodied and bruised?" I finally spat out.

His eyes darkened and I took a step back in fear. "None of your fucking business" He snapped. Whoahh. Someone is PMS-ing.

It was getting darker by the second and I needed to get back home before my mother bombers me with calls. I checked my phone and was not surprised to see 20 missed calls. Heaving a sigh I looked t the stranger and said "It was nice meeting you and all but I gotta go now. Bye"

But before I could even take a step he grabbed my arm "Take me with you" he wheezed out.

I stared at him with wide eyes. "W-what?" I managed to choke out.

"I said take me with you. Are you deaf?" He glared at me. Oh the nerve of this guy!

"And why would I do that?" I asked annoyed. I was a bit curious too and wanted to hear his reasoning.

"Well you wouldn't leave a man who's so much injured alone to die? Wouldn't you feel guilty at my funeral?" He innocently replied.

Contemplating over his words I finally admitted defeat "Fine. Come with me." I ordered.

He raised his left eyebrow at me "Cutie, I can't really walk on my own, now can I? Give me your hand so I can somewhat hold on to you." I reluctantly obliged and offered him my hand. He captured my hand in his.

I couldn't help but notice that they fit perfectly.

(A/N: Hi everyone. I know the chapter is quite short but I will write longer chapters in the future, hopefully.

Don't forget to comment and vote. :)


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