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A gasp escaped my parted lips. "What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"A fight." He gruffly replied and walked in. Without waiting for my reply he ran upstairs to my room to clean himself up.

I rolled my eyes and followed him. After i helped him with his cuts and bruises he went to the bathroom for a quick shower.

I went downstairs to the basement and searched for a box marked old clothes. I finally found it and ripped it open. After rummaging through it for a while I finally found my father's t-shirt and some baggy pants.

I walk back to my room with the clothes in my hand. After I set them down on my dresser I decided to leave the room so Aiden could change comfortably. But before I could move the bathroom's door opened and Aiden stepped out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

I trail my eyes down to see his six packs greeting me in all their glory.

I gulp.

"Eyes up here, sweetheart." He smirked.

My cheeks blazed on being caught while checking him out so I duck my head down to avoid his gaze.

"You know if you want a piece of this, all you have to do is ask." He oh so cockily stated.

Not wanting to die of embarrassment I rush out of my room but not before slipping on a shirt, landing on my butt and embarrassing myself further. I could hear his laughter from behind the closed door.

I sat on the stairs and waited for him. After a couple of minutes he came out twirling his bike keys.

"C'mon get up." He nudged me with his foot.

"Why?" I asked.

"We are going to McDonalds." He replied curtly.

"I won't go with you until you answer some of my questions." I huffed.

"I will answer you while eating. C'mon now I'm craving it." He whined.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness and follow him out of the front door. I shivered slightly from the cool breeze. Noticing it, Aiden shrugged of his signature black leather jacket and put it on my shoulder.

I blushed hard and mumbled a small thanks.

This time I climb on his motorcycle without any complains and even wrap my arms around him tightly.

I wonder where all of this bravery is coming from. First i let him inside my house in the middle of the night then i sneak off to ride with him on his motorcycle. His bravery is rubbing off on me. I thought to myself.

A couple of minutes later we reached our destination and hopped off the death trap. He grabbed my arm and dragged me in.

As if I'm incapable of walking.

We choose a small booth at the corner and give our respective orders. When the orders are taken away I cleared my throat. "So, care to tell me why I found you bloodied and bruised. Twice." I narrow my eyes at him.

He shifts uncomfortably. "You see, umm I am an underground fighter." He merely states.

"You're a whattt?!!" I screech loudly.

He clamped my mouth shut with his hand. "Keep your volume low." He hisses.

"Okay okay I'm sorry. You're a whatt?!" I repeat. This time quietly.

"I said I'm an underground fighter. It's basically a part time job for me. I fight. I win. I earn." He smirks proudly.

"Isn't it dangerous?" I question curiously.

"Yes of course, Angel. It is. That's why I love it so much." He sighs in glee.

I gape at him with my mouth hung open. "You're crazy."

He laughs.

He actually laughs.

And it's like music to my ears.

Wait. What? Ugh snap out of it Gil. What are you even thinking. He's Aiden Brooke, for God's sake. He's probably a player.

Come to think of it, I really don't know much about him.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He says.

"Like what?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Like you're trying to figure something out." He says with a chuckle.

"Oh it's nothing." I say with a wave of my hand trying to change the subject.

"Oh okay." He eyes me curiously. But before he could continue our waiter comes and serves the food.

Even though i wasn't hungry I still dug in because let's face it, who can even say no to McDonalds?

"Woah easy there kitten. We wouldn't want you to choke now, would we?" He says with a laugh.

I blush in embarrassment. So much for trying to act ladylike throughout my life.

After we're done with our food we stood up. I reach in my pocket to pay but Aiden beats me to it. When he notices me staring he questions innocently. "What?"

"You know I can pay for myself." I say as a matter of fact.

"Yes I know that. But this is on me. So no worries." He says.

"Okayyy now what?" He cautiously asks after seeing me grinning creepily.

"Aiden is trying to be a gentleman. I see. Perhaps trying to impress someone?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

And to my utter astonishment he blushed.

Aiden the Asshole blushed!!

Woah. This day couldn't get any weirder. I thought while still trying to process what just happened.

Aiden Brooke, you're a mystery which I'm willing to unravel. I finally concluded.

A/N: Comment, like and vote. :)

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