4 (part 2)

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Zachary Gregory to the side played by Joel Crouse. And yes I'm aware that Lucy Hale dated him but just think of him as her brother. xD


My phone blasting "Die young" startled me awake. I yawned loudly and rubbed my eyes. I checked the time and it was 7:15 which meant the first day of school in 45 minutes. Since the summer vacations were now over, I was dreading going back to that hell hole.

A week had passed since "Aiden the Asshole's" incident. I haven't heard from him after that. I wonder if I'll see him in school. Will he treat me like all the other students do? Will he bully me like Amy Weasley, the Queen Bee? Or will he offer me his friendship? I snorted at the last thought. Highly unlikely.

I forced myself out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom to get cleaned up. After doing my morning routine I quickly dressed into black shorts and a cute grey top. I quickly put my medium dark brown hair in a ponytail, put on a thin layer of eyeliner and put on my black rimmed glasses. Grabbing my white converse I checked the time and it was 7:30. Shoot. That means the bus will be here any minute.

I quickly ran downstairs, skipping one step at a time. I grabbed a granola bar, my bag and headed out. I could see the bus at the bus stop. I ran as fast as my short legs would allow me to. Unfortunately, just as I was about to reach there the bus already took off, leaving me standing with sweat rolling from my forehead. I ran a shaky hand through my hair.

What to do what to do. I can't be late for the first day. And if I start walking right now then I'll still be late. I mentally cursed my stupid ego for not riding with my brother.

You see, Zach is actually the total opposite of me. I'm the nerd. While he's the quarterback. I'm the bullied. While he's the bully.

No, he never bullied me but he bullies other unpopular people. And if I catch a ride with Zach then people will know that we're related. Even though this revelations would stop my bullying but it will also put me under the limelight. And I do not want that. I'm very much happy with my somewhat invisible self. Thank you very much.

Back to the situation at hand. I will be getting late for school. Heaving a frustrated sigh I looked around. Lets see if I can get a taxi. I thought to myself.

A couple of minutes passed but I couldn't find a single taxi. I decided to walk to school. Just as I took a few steps forward, I heard rumbling of a motorcycle just behind me. I turned around in surprise and came face to face with Aiden The Asshole.

"Need a ride, babes?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yes. Indeed I do. But I won't ride that death trap. Especially with you." I huffed.

"Who even said I'm offering you a ride?" He smirked while I blushed profusely. How embarrassing.

Without replying I turned around on my heels and continued walking. I heard him beside me but I ignored him.

"Oh c'mon I was joking. Hop on." He said while laughing.

"No." I glared at him.

"Fine. You asked for it." The next thing I know I'm being lifted over his shoulder and he set me down on the bike, strapping the only helmet on my head. I tried to get off but curse my short legs, I couldn't. He held my arms and put them around his abdomen tightly.

"Hold on, sweetheart." He said. Before I could retort the bike took off. I gasped and tightened my hold on him. The wind whipped my face. It was scary. Yet, exhilarating. I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent.

As the motorcycle came to a halt, I opened my eyes. I quickly got off (with the help of Aiden of course). I felt the piercing gaze of my fellow school mates burning a hole on my forehead. I kept my head down and manoeuvred my way through the parking lot crowded with students.

Before I could step in through the doors someone grabbed my arm and jerked me back. I looked up to see Aiden with a frown on his face. "Are you embarrassed to walk with me?" He asked in a small voice.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned quizzically.

"You basically ran away from me. Are you embarrassed of being seen with me? I mean I'm undeniably hot. Why would you be even embarrassed?" He bragged.

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. "It's actually the other way round. It's your first day in this school. If you hangout with me you'll be deemed as an outcast by the popular crowd. And didn't you just see how they all were staring at me? Probably wondering what a nerd like me is doing with a hot guy." I replied, avoiding eye contact.

"And I care because? Look Gillian, I really don't care about popularity and shit. I'll hang out with whoever I want. They can't do shit." He said with a hint of anger.

"Fine fine whatever. I'll show you to your first class." I said while matching my schedule, which we got yesterday through mail, by his.

Huh. Seems like we've got five classes together out of eight. How nice. Note the sarcasm please.

After showing him the way I turned around to get to my class. But I was stopped when he caught my wrist.

"By the way, thankyou." He smirked.

"For what?" I asked, confused.

"For calling me hot" he winked.

When did I-


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter.





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