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It has been a week since that movie incident. Aiden is now back to school but I've been avoiding him at all cost. Unfortunately, I can't avoid him forever.

I open the door to the principles office and enter in. I can see Aiden sitting in one of the chairs from the corner of my eye. Mrs Reynolds gestures for me to take a seat. When I'm comfortably seated she clears her throat "Now that Mr Brooke is back from visiting his sick grandma at New York after 2 and a half weeks I want you to start tutoring him." She tells me.

I resist the urge to scoff. Yeah, right. Sick Grandma.

I open my mouth to speak but she raises her finger motioning for me to keep quiet. "I'm not done. I don't want any excuses Ms Gregory. I want you to give your best. You'll have to tutor him on weekdays except Monday and Tuesday and you'll tutor him on weekends too. You'll start tutoring him from next week. Am I clear?" I just simply nod my head dejectedly.

"You both are dismissed." She waves her hand.

We booth stand up and leave the room. As soon as I'm out I quicken my pace to get away from him but he grabs my arm stopping me.

"Okay now I'm officially pissed. Why the hell are you ignoring me? Yes, I didn't respond to your texts and calls for two weeks but I explained myself. And it's not like you're my girlfriend." He says icily.

I yank my arm out from his grasp. "You're right. I'm not your girlfriend so please go away. Go to her. Don't waste your time on me." Okay shit. Now I sound like a jealous ex girlfriend.

"God, what is wrong with you??!! I consider you my friend and it honestly hurts to know that you're ignoring me without a relevant reason." He says sadly.

I'm so done. "You want to know what's my problem? My problem is you. Why the fuck did you even come in my life? Why the fuck I even helped you that night? I wish I hadn't. My problem is you, Aiden. You. You act like you don't know anything but you fucking know what's wrong." I pause.

"You didn't even tell me you had a girlfriend. You called me your lucky charm. You made me feel special. You made me feel things I have never felt before. I discovered a side of me that I never even knew existed. You made me feel bold. You made me feel confident. You gave me courage. You made me realise that life is so much more than just sitting around in my room, reading books and watching movies. You made me realise that life's all about taking risks, it's about rebelling once in a while, it's about standing up to the barbies. God, I don't even know how you made me realise these things in just a couple of months. You know what's the worst part?" I don't wait for him to reply. I continue.

"You made me fall for you. Every hour, every minute and every second of the day I'm falling for you. I hate this feeling. I hate you. Could someone make it stop, please?" I say the last part mostly to myself.

I lift my gaze up to see him standing with shock plastered over his face. He wants to say something but it looks like he's holding back.

He pulls at his hair with frustration. "I-I we....w-we can't. Just s-stop please." With that he turns around on his heel and rush out of the school leaving me standing in the middle of the hallway thinking what the hell just happened?

I quickly use the bathroom and get to my next class. I am not able to concentrate and it was pretty weird seeing that it was my favourite subject; history. Which unfortunately, I had with Lucas.

After that incident at the movies I quickly left home and texted Alex telling him that my mother needed me home for something important. From that day on, I have been avoiding the whole crew. I don't even know why.

I'm shaken out of my misery when the teacher calls my name. I look up to see her reading off names from a piece of paper in her hand. I look around confused. Suddenly, Lucas appears in my vision. I just stare at him quizzically.

"Umm I'm paired with you." He awkwardly says.

"What?" I manage to mumble.

"I said I'm paired with you. Are you deaf or what? We've to do a project together, dumbass." He says irately.

I don't even bother fighting with him for calling me a dumbass. I just avert my gaze somewhere else. From the corner of my eyes I see him taking a seat beside me. I ignore him.

"Are we going to work on the project or are you going to just sit there idly? I hate to break it to you but I actually want to pass history." He says annoyance clearly detectable in his tone.

Well I don't blame him for being annoyed. Heck, even I am annoyed of myself. I really need to concentrate on my studies, not the bad boy. I guess I'm still recovering from the shock of admitting my real feelings not only to him but to myself too.

"Hello? You're spacing out." Lucas waves his hand in front me.

I blush with embarrassment. "I am sorry. You're right we should start working on it."

And that's how the whole period is utilised in discussing our project. Lucas is actually a nice guy when he's not glaring at you or being plain rude. Who am I bullshitting? He's just plain mean but somehow still nice. He made me laugh a couple of times, even though I'm quiet sure he didn't mean to.

He was a good distraction. Especially from Aiden.

Wait a minute. A plan starts formulating in my mind. What if i use Lucas as a real distraction?

Voila! I'm a genius.

Should I carry out with my plan or not? I mean I don't think so it would hurt anyone. And it would be perfect if I want to move on from Aiden.

It would be perfect if I want to show Aiden that I don't fucking care anymore.

Not to forget that it would be perfect to see if Aiden gets jealous.

I inwardly smirk. This is going to be fun.

Oh Aiden. Darling, be prepared. You messed with the wrong nerd.

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