Stuck In Konoha

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I woke up on Itachi's back. He had placed the mask on my face while I was unconscious. He had always been careful.
"You're awake" Itachi smiled at me, it was still night, and he was walking in the woods "Can you walk?"

"Yes I think so" I replied, he put me down and closed his eyes as we started walking together.

It was quiet for a while; I was humming to a song mum used to sing to me when I was a lot younger. I had felt that presence a moment before him. I was already aware of our tactic.

I was to stay behind as he engages with the enemy. I was trained for situations like these; by Orochimaru and then by Itachi. I objected before but he said it is his job to protect me.

"Hand us the girl and all will be good" A ninja commanded, we were outnumbered. Eight ninjas that means two teams and by the look of the carves on their masks. They were Anbu from the village hidden in the Mist.

"Why don't you try and make me" Itachi smirked.

The battle had started; most of the time it looked like they were all standing in their place which could only mean Itachi is using the sharingan.

I have asked of him that he refrains from using it so constantly. He had eliminated half our enemies. He probably was standing there by sheer will alone. I saw blood come out of his eye.

'Itachi' I thought of him as he fought. He began to reach his limit, and as he was about to use Mangekyo Sharingan he collapsed.

He was down on his knees coughing really badly. He indicated with his hand to stay put. That was the only order I have always failed to follow, I had no other choice but to stand in front of Itachi as I saw hundreds of kunai knives making their way towards him.

"Rinnegan" I released the most powerful kekkei genkai I possessed and repelled all of the Kunai knives.

"Ōkami, just run" he ordered me.

"I won't run away Itachi not when you need me"

"Well...well...well if it isn't the prize" one of them smugly said.

"Guard up! This is the Wolf Demon we are against." A second warned.

"Don't worry it'll be a merciful death" I had my hand on my sheath and with my thumb I pushed up the Katana.

In that fraction of a second when they everted their eyes to focus on me pulling my Katana, I have already killed them all

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In that fraction of a second when they everted their eyes to focus on me pulling my Katana, I have already killed them all.

I swatted my Katana to get rid of the blood, twirled it in my hand and placed it back in its sheath. I ended my Rinnegan as I walked back to my injured teammate.

I had felt dizzy and almost loosened my hold on my blade. That's when his presence was shown and I got my guard up again.

"Itachi I can't believe she was stronger than you and she's just a child," Tobi said. Him being here was a red flag. Why would he be here? He was behind this attack wasn't he?

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