Sand Shinobi Friends

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(Ran's POV)

I don't remember how I came across Kakashi sensei. He had kept me company but at the time nothing really mattered. I felt a big hole in my life because Itachi walked away.

someone came in to my room early in the morning, a doctor but I felt myself getting defensive at his sight.
"Lady Ran" he bowed "I have some good news" he looked happy,
For a moment, I swore I sensed that snake's chakra but then just like that it faded. Was I just imagining?
"What is it?" Kakashi asked on my behalf
"We have found a cure for your illness" He informed, those are good news "However"
"However what?" i asked impatiently.
"However it's just temporary, in order for it's effect to last you must take a pill everyday, we have made you a month's supply"
"Thank you for everything" Kakashi replied. What can i say? if this pill would help me get better, I don't mind taking one everyday. He left us, the bottle containing the pills was on the stand next to me. I didn't if I should trust my gut and not drink it. Kakashi sensei was eying me attentively so I grabbed a pill from it and drank it with the help of water.

"Your expressions changed"
"It tastes horrible!" it was honestly disgusting, i need something sweet to wash that taste off my mouth. Kakashi sensei was just smiling at me before he returned to his reading. Come to think of it, Kakashi sensei's still here, doesn't he have some training to do with the others? wait where are they anyway? they haven't come to see me.
I was about to open my mouth and talk when he noticed a hawk in the sky.
"Well I better go I got things to do! Take care Lady Ran" He smiled before he poofed away, I hated it when he just disappeared like that.
Well if he thinks I'm staying here then he is dead wrong. I got out of bed and put my cloths on.
I almost forgot my tasty medicine! great I'm stuck with this probably forever. I snuck out of the hospital. Itachi if you don't want to take me with you then I'll just come find you myself.

(Kakashi's POV)

I entered a room where all the other Genin leaders were. Asuma and Kurenai were there as well as Iruka.
"Hey Kakashi how's lady Ran?" she asked
"She's better, so I see lord Hokage is making this official but isn't it too soon?"
"It might be but my team is ready" Asuma said
"Mine too" Kurenai agreed, i'm not so sure about my team. One is in the hospital, one is thinking of revenge, the other isn't much of a skilled ninja and i don't even know where Sakura stands at least the other three can actually do something.
"So you all know that the Chunin exams will be held in the hidden leaf this year. you all must inform your students! I know that this may seem so sudden but this will be an apportunity to show how much they have grown in the last few months" The Hokage informed. Kurenai and Asuma didn't think too much they signed their names immediatly. I on the other hand must see what they think, if they think they're ready then I'll sign their names.

I have arranged to get them all on that roof where we first met, what a surprise? lady Ran got out of the hospital, they were pleased that I was there early for once.
"The Chunin exams?" Naruto asked
"Yes they'll start the day after tomorrow I just want to ask your opinion, if you think you're ready then..."
"Are you kidding Kakashi sensei? I was born ready" he's number one hyperactive knucklehead for sure
"Yeah don't worry about us Kakashi sensei we'll do great" Lady Ran said high fiving Naruto.
"I'm always up for a challenge"
"Well then that leaves you Sakura what do you say?" I smiled her way
"huh? well we're a team and we'll surely succeed!" she replied, let me guess she said yes because Sasuke did.
"That's settled tomorrow we'll train a bit but now you can all go home"
I simply went to the desk and signed team seven. Well I shouldn't worry that much, with Sasuke and Ran's skills they should be more than fine. I'll actually be surprised if they didn't get through the first exam.

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