Identity Revealed

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I can't believe lord Hokage made the decision of making me stay here. I know that being the legendary Idojawa child had something to do with it. Itachi telling him about the Ten-Tails was an extra reason.

The worst part is I got Anbu Blackops following me everywhere I go, it's so annoying, a normal person wouldn't find out but I can sense them. They're supposed to be able to hide their presence well enough. It's annoying being watched every second of your life not to mention embarrassing. I contemplated running away from the village but now if I did I would be a rogue ninja.

"Welcome to your new home!" Naruto handed me a key "I made a second one just for you" he smiled.

"Thank you Naruto" I took the key and walked in. It was nothing big but it was nice to have a place I could call home.

"There's a room I never use, so you can have it, mine is just across the hallway" he showed me around. His apartment was a mess, and it seemed like the only food he had was ramen.

There was a bed in my room, a nightstand and a closet. I never really had a room for myself, I was always on the road with Itachi we would spend nights at some motels and most of the time we would just camp out. Everything reminded me of him.

"Come on Ran I'll show you around" his voice brought me back to reality.

"Okay, I'm coming" I followed him outside and locked the door behind me.

The hidden leaf is really prettier than I last remembered it. Though there hasn't been any major changes. I stood in front of the entrance to the Uchiha clan's residence; it was closed and said no trespassing. Itachi had to destroy his own clan. He had to murder his own family. it had only happened a couple of years ago. he was barely thirteen years old. it wasn't long after that he saved me. 

"Hey Ran come on this way!" he waved at me, I ran towards him. We kept on walking until he stopped in front of a house, he was in a daze.

"Naruto... Naruto come on what is it?"

"This is Sakura's place"

"Sakura? Who's Sakura?" I wondered. He didn't answer; he was in a daydream well a girl has to do what a girl has to do.

"Hey what was that for?" He held his cheek, my hand was marked red across his face; sorry Naruto.

"You're daydreaming, who's Sakura?" I asked again.

"Only the most beautiful girl in the village" he replied with dreamy eyes again. How cute! Naruto's in love but now he needs saving, slap!

"Well good to see you're living in the real-world Naruto" I dragged him away from there before he daydreamedagain.
"So tell me does Sakura love you back?"

"Yeah, she just doesn't know it yet" I couldn't help but laugh at his reply. Let's face it she probably didn't even know he liked her "it's not funny".

"It is for me" I laughed some more. I wasn't feeling comfortable with the walk because of all the people that were looking at us and speaking things.

Naruto didn't snap like last time. He was having fun showing me around so I decided I'd ignore every one and just go along with him.
"Hey Naruto, can we go to the Village entrance? There's-..."

"Right, the newest attraction" he chuckled. Though I had a stupid look on my face 'Newest attraction?' I wondered to myself."I totally lifted that sword for like 2 whole seconds" he smiled like an idiot.

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