First And Last Day

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I woke up early morning; I have gotten dressed after I've taken a shower. I went straight to the kitchen. I made a small breakfast consisted. Outside I could hear the morning noise of people starting their day. The rustling of tree leaves and birds chirping. In the middle of that lovely symphony I could hear Naruto snoring.

I went to wake him up; I wasn't surprised to find out he's a heavy sleeper.
"Naruto come on wake up!" I shook him roughly but he wouldn't even open an eye and look at me "Fine don't wake up" I left his room and went to have my breakfast. I left his share on the table with a note.

"Let's see where's the road to the academy? Naruto showed me every single place here yet he didn't show me where the academy is" I sighed, this village is pretty big it could be anywhere.
Of all people I could've asked I chose a young woman, she looked nice and like someone who would help someone in need.
"Excuse me, ma'am, could you please show me where the academy is?"

She looked at me the same way everyone looked at Naruto. Itachi, it's a promise you couldn't keep. I heard someone whispering in the back. "Word is she is related to the nine tails kid."

I guess I can find my way to the academy on my own.
"Why don't you go back from whence you came, you demon scum!"

I was taken aback by their hostility. I looked down and before I set another foot, an Anbu was right in front of me "Princess Ran I was asked to escort you to the academy"

"Thank you" I replied. I walked away with him; I know she has heard him call me princess, especially after I saw her expressions change.

It was a nice long walk to the academy, during which I explored more of the hidden leaf but I couldn't even enjoy it. Their words, their feelings, I just tried to hide. I missed being with Itachi. I missed being called Ōkami.

"Iruka Sensei is waiting for you by the door" he informed after we have arrived, he simply vanished afterwards. I was already in my own bubble.

Everyone was looking my way; I guess being escorted by an Anbu isn't quite something everyone's used to. I walked ahead into the place. Just like that Anbu said Iruka sensei was waiting for me by the entrance.

I walked with him towards the class. It was quite a walk from home to this place. I have to get used to it.

"Wait until I call out for you" He smiled at me before he walked into the class.
"Good morning everyone"

"Good morning Iruka Sensei" they all replied at the same time.

"Before we start class today we have a new student with us. I want you all to welcome La...Ran Idojawa" he introduced, he was about to say Lady but thank god he stopped himself.

I walked inside, only to be surprised I was going to be in the same class as Naruto and Itachi's brother.
"Hey, Ran we're in the same class!!" Naruto shouted, how did he get here? I woke up way before him.

"Why don't you introduce yourself" I looked at Iruka in disbelief and then at my classmates.

"There's nothing to say" I mumbled and he insisted I try. "Okay. My name is Ran Idojawa, I have just returned to the hidden leaf village. I am looking forward to get to know you" I bowed.

"Why don't you go sit next to Sasuke over there" he suggested. Sasuke! That's his name Sasuke Uchiha, he seemed like he didn't care less about anyone else. I did as Iruka sensei asked me, I sat down next to him; all the girls in the room were glaring at me. What's with them?

I was feeling bored in class. I was fiddling with the Kunai knife Naruto bought me. Do I have to be here everyday? I was thinking back of Itachi when the harsh tone of Iruka sensei snapped me back.

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