The Uchiha Legacy

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(Ran's POV)

I was waiting by the gate of the Hidden Leaf upon knowing they would be coming home. Fuuki was almost four years old and Itachi was carrying her on his shoulders.
Itachi and I were blessed with one more child. A son I named after Naruto. His Uchiha Lineage was more prominent, having eyes like his father.
I looked up and smiled as I saw them both.

I felt a third presence and smiled wider when I saw the small baby girl.
"Hey, Uchiha whoever thought you'd have a baby girl." I teased.
"Please don't get started with the papa thing too" he blushed and I hit him in the back playfully.
"I feel old. You all have kids now" Kakashi sensei noted. "Sorry for being late, I had some business to take care of"
"Don't worry about it Lord Hokage" Sakura chuckled "there is someone we want you to meet" she showed him the baby.
"Sarada, is it?"
"How did you know her name?" Sakura looked at me almost worriedly and I blushed.
"Well, you see...I can somewhat read people's thoughts through chakra. You were thinking of that name strongly." I smiled "This is Naruto. Sasuke he's your nephew" I was about to let him hold the baby when he made a snarky comment.
"I can see you've been busy while we were away" Sasuke teased. Sakura went pale as he made that comment knowing fully well what was going to happen to him.
"Ran-...." Itachi softly called but I tried to calm myself.
"You're one to do that sort of thing while travelling. Putting Sakura's life in danger. Stupid man"
Kakashi sensei laughed at us and said we were being immature but I did not care.

Naruto joined us later in my place along with Hinata and Boruto. They also apologized for being late but it was understood as he was on a mission. Hinata is a new mother the same as Sakura. But I expected her to prioritize the kids.
She was able to give away the Shinobi life to some extent but I couldn't.

Two years have passed since I met Sarada. They have gone back on their travels, much to my dismay. Until I felt a call using the necklaces and I found myself waking up in the middle of the night.
"Itachi" He was already awake "I'll be back in a bit" I disappeared.
"Sakura" I got on my knees. She was trying to heal Sarada who I could tell was feverish. Her fire was burning low but I could clearly see a bright future ahead of her. Sakura was a mess, I placed my hand on top of Sakura's and expanded the healing Chakra to cover Sarada's body completely. "Sakura, I need you to maintain this" she nodded and I let go of her hands and placed my two fingers on top of the baby's burning forehead and the other on her heart to reignite her dying fire "Fukkatsu". With us both, we were able to get her condition under control. Sakura had given it her all even using a lot of her Chakra reserves.

I caught her as she passed out and I laid her down slowly next to her daughter. It was then when I saw Sasuke with someone from a nearby village. He was relieved to know I got there on time.
I told him it's best they go back to the hidden leaf. He had allowed me to take them home.
When I had appeared there, Itachi was waiting. He took Sakura to a guest room to rest and I gave him Sarada to look after. She was asleep and doing well.

When I appeared back in the forest. Sasuke was waiting.
"Sarada will be alright. I have sealed away her visual prowess. when she is ready the seal will be broken"
"Was that the cause? She's always been frail but this time it was bad I thought-..."
"Her body's too weak. She is but a baby." Looking at him, I knew he cared deeply for his child. "Sasuke" my tone changed becoming more serious "you need to be home for now. Sakura and Sarada need you." I lent him my hand to take and he took it without a moment's hesitation.

They have stayed with us for a while until they got a place of their own. I didn't mind having them around more. It made me feel better because I knew I could protect them better. It wasn't long after Sarada got better and learned to walk that Sasuke left again.

I made sure I visited them every day. Sarada started wearing glasses after a while. Was the seal so strong that it was affecting her normal vision?
"Mama" she called for Sakura "when is Papa going to come home?" I closed my eyes. I have heard her ask that question countless times before.
"Sarada" I spoke "your Papa is a big fat idiot" neither of them seemed to like my answer "but he does love you and your mom so much and he will be here soon enough. I promise" I smiled. She looked down and just nodded. 
I could see the disruption in her chakra that lasted a single moment. And I appeared next to her before she passed out.
"Sarada" I heard Sakura call faintly "Ran"
"It's okay, she's just physically exhausted. I may have overdone it with her training" she was getting stronger though, that was her seal almost getting broken. She's only ten.

Sakura stayed by her side and tended to her. I had told her to summon me if it got serious and she nodded. I never got one so I assumed it was under control.
"Fuuki" I called on her as I sensed her coming in "how was your mission" I asked. She was closer to her dad than to me and her character was similar to his as well. 

I was proud of her. She was a Jōnin at ten and is one of the best Kunoichi of the hidden leaf.
"It went well. Naruto sensei wants to make me captain of my own team" she didn't seem to be excited about it, I placed my hand on her head and smiled when she looked at me.
"Change isn't easy you know" I walked to the garden and she followed standing next to me. "Naruto taught you the Rasengan. How about you make one for me now?" She nodded and made a normal one "teammates are a strength, you becoming captain doesn't mean you lose your teammates. It means you earn new teammates" I placed my hand below hers "the more teammates you have the stronger you will be because they become your sun, the reason you live and the people you want to protect" her Rasengan gotten bigger with every thought of every person that was important to me.

"That is how Naruto got so strong that he now is Hokage" I smiled and safely dissipated that chakra around us.
"Mom" she said, it wasn't always she called me mom. I was taken back "you're truly amazing!" She turned back looking at me her eyes gleaming as she hugged me. I blushed badly.
"Hey...come on Fuuki...that was nothing...Naruto's way better" I proclaimed and I heard Itachi chuckling from inside. I blushed even harder and I just gave up to the hug and hugged her back. I wasn't so used to compliments from my own daughter.

"Naruto sensei told me you were Hokage at thirteen" she argued back.
"That....was just temporary" 
"He says you are even stronger than him" she crossed her arms
"He is being nice and exaggerating" I smiled trying to hide my embarrassment. 
"Mom, I know you are the best Shinobi there is" She had pulled away blushing and just walked to her brother asking him if he wants to train too and I saw them walk away together. Itachi walked closely to me and hugged me from behind. 

"She always looks up to you"
"Itachi, stop saying nonsense" I looked away, feeling my cheeks hotter.
"It's the truth" he insisted. I was silent and I just watched our kids from afar "Itachi" I cleared my throat "if the Ōtsutsuki threat ever becomes a reality. I trust you will protect our children"
"You don't need to tell me that. I'll protect you too"
"No" I smiled "Consider your promise to Himawari fulfilled" I turned around and hugged him "thank you for always protecting me" I pulled slowly and he leaned in kissing me.

I was happy being Boruto and Sarada's sensei. Though Konohamaru was on official papers, I was always on the move to be a sensei but they looked up to me and I trained with them often. I knew the extent of their powers knowing who their parents are. it is clearer to me now, from my missions with Sasuke to uncover Otsutsuki secrets, that our fight had just begun. 

The rabbit goddess threat was only the beginning of something worse. My homeworld was approaching and I know they won't stop until there is nothing left in it just like Kaguya's dimensions. 

When it comes to that, we will stop them. Team seven will stop at nothing to protect this world from any threat. We will protect the king. 


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