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(Kakashi's POV)

It was really a miracle, snowing this time a year. Despite everything, it worked well this mission was a success.
I saw Sasuke helped by Sakura; I thought Naruto said he died. I guess Zabuza was right, after all, Haku had a soft heart. Lady Ran was pleased to see him alive, however, something was wrong.
"I got you" I stated, she has landed on my back. Looks like she still needs time to recover, they were worried about her but I reassured them.
As the mission stated, we stayed there until the bridge builder finished his bridge, there it was finished really fast since everyone was really happy to help.
"So did you figure what you would call it?" I asked; I had to ask.
"Yes, I'm calling it the great Naruto Bridge" he informed, the great Naruto Bridge huh? It's catchy "So that people would never forget what you have done for us Naruto. Thank you so much"

That's really nice of him. Naruto is really leaving his mark on everyone; even that little child here is now carrying a little bit of Naruto inside of him. Good to see him growing up but he's still the same troublesome guy he was a couple of moons ago.

We were walking back to the village. I needed to watch over her. Back when I have collapsed, i am sure she was the reason I got on my feet faster. I thought I was dreaming but she does know medical Ninjutsu.
We kept on walking for a while but I noticed she activated her kekkei Genkai, what for? I can see Sasuke noticed as well.

"Oh man, I can't wait until I go back to the village and have some Itchiraku ramen...Hey, Sakura would you like to come with me?"
"Save it Naruto I'm not interested" she answered, yeah they haven't changed at all, still a group of misfits. Lady Ran was falling behind, something's wrong! Something-... She looked away before she practically disappeared in the woods. She was running away! Great, first Naruto to get the coupon for Itchiraku Ramen and now her! I can't send Sasuke to get her back not this time.
"Hey, where did Ran go?" Naruto asked. Damn it I can't lose somebody, especially her!
"Sasuke you're in charge of the team now! Go back to the leaf village now!!"
"Right! Come on let's go" he ordered them "That includes you Naruto" They both dragged him by force.

I followed her in the woods; she's really faster than ever. I uncovered my eye; I may enter a battle for all I know Itachi could be waiting for her here. Maybe that Anbu was right, maybe she has been working for Itachi as a spy.
"They have all grown up" she smiled, Orchids? "Aren't they beautiful Kakashi sensei?" she looked at me. She wasn't trying to run away but she came here to this Orchid field, maybe I freaked out for nothing.
"Lady Ran you can't just run away like that"
"I'm sorry Kakashi sensei, I just needed to see them. it reminds me of my mother she used to grow white orchids in our garden..." she began to cry I know I shouldn't be doing this but I went ahead and hugged her.

I remember now the Idojawa clan's crest it was an orchid flower with leaves all around, the sound of her cough brought me back from my gaze

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I remember now the Idojawa clan's crest it was an orchid flower with leaves all around, the sound of her cough brought me back from my gaze.
"Lady Ran, are you...ha" is that blood in her hand?
"Now you know Kakashi sensei" She looked at me before she started coughing again, she knew about this didn't she? So is that why she was acting so weird ever since we started this mission? And I thought she was planning something. Lord Hokage was right, I shouldn't have suspected her.
"Lady Ran, hold on!" She was on my back, unconscious. She had a really bad fever, she was breathing heavily. Damn it! Huh? Are those Anbu Blackops?

"Kakashi we were sent to back you up, your team informed us that Lady Ran ran away but I see you got things under control" she spoke, things aren't under control!
"She wasn't trying to run away! She needs medical care immediately or else..." I stopped talking; I wasn't feeling her heartbeats anymore. Does that mean she's...? No, she's still breathing even though it's faint, I better hurry up.
We arrived just in time, I haven't yet informed her team members that we have arrived, I should report to the Hokage first.

"Orchid field?" he asked, I was talking to the Hokage along with the two elders and the Anbu that came to back me up.
"But Sakura has informed us that she was acting rather strange ever since the mission started and then she fled without saying a word" one of them spoke.
"Yes that is true, I suspected that she was planning something but I was wrong, there was no attempt to run away or contact Itachi Uchiha however I can explain her strange behaviour"
"Carry on Kakashi" Lord Hokage had another smoke from his pipe
"She was hiding the fact that she was sick, back in the field she started coughing blood" I should've known but she had hidden it so well, they stood there in silence even though the lord Hokage was not as shocked as I anticipated, Was he already aware of this? "my lord if I may say something"
"You have the permission to speak freely"
"I think Lady Ran should..." I was interrupted
"Lord Hokage you must come quickly"
The Hokage, some Anbu and I went along with the man, we entered the room, Lady Ran was being helped.

"Lord Hokage we have found these in vital parts of her body, we have identified their job nature"
"What is it?" he asked, what are those things anyway? How could she have so many in her body?
"It looks like it was blocking her chakra flow" he informed, why would someone try and block her chakra?
"How did you miss this in the first examination?" he yelled
"We're very sorry my lord, however, we're not sure that these are responsible for her illness"
"I see, what is her status?"
"We're stablizing her. We're trying to identify her sickness, after some blood test and research we'll inform you of the results"
"Very well then! Kakashi what is it you wanted to tell me?"
"It's nothing important my lord" I have excused myself. It's such a relief to find out that she'll be fine.

I entered a flower shop, well if it isn't Asuma's student, Ino.
"Hi there Kakashi sensei!"
"Hello, Ino how are you doing?"
"Fine! What can I do for you?"
"Do you have any white orchids?"
"White orchids? No, I'm sorry Kakashi sensei I've never seen one before here but we have some roses if you like"
"No that's alright Ino Thank you, perhaps in another time" I smiled her way before I left. I guess I'll just have to go to that field and bring some with me.
I have taken permission and was at the gate of the village when Naruto spotted me.
"Hey, Kakashi sensei where's Ran?"
"Huh? Naruto listen I got to go I'll talk with you later" I forced a smile his way before I went ahead. I had to leave before the others came too since I can't exactly give them information about Lady Ran.

Let's see the field should be right ahead. I kept on going the same way and was lucky to find it, I wanted to just cut a few but then I thought it's better if I grabbed some from the root and brought them back as well. That way she can plant them and keep them forever.
I went back and got a welcome party. Do you know who? Well, who else but her teammates.
"Kakashi sensei I'm going to ask you again where's Ran?" Naruto asked; they're frightening me with their looks.
"Sakura why did you tell them that she had run away?" I asked yes I just need to stall what away! I noticed both Naruto and Sasuke glared at her. I take it she did it without their knowledge.
"Huh? Because that's what happened! It's clear that you couldn't bring her back"
"Ha! You mean Ran's gone and won't come back?" Naruto was bummed but he'll cheer up soon.
"It's for the best of all of us" Sakura smiled
"Listen I didn't need to bring her back" they all leaned closely "Because she wasn't running away"
"Yeah, I knew it Ran would never abandon us" like I said Naruto is all cheered up "But where is she? And why are you carrying those flowers? are they for your girlfriend?" he began to laugh with giddiness
"I got to go I got things to do I'll see you later"
"Kakashi sensei you're not leaving this time"
"Listen the flowers are for someone close I suggest you buy some now"
"Why would we do that?" Sasuke asked 
"You'll find out soon" I left after I smiled their way.

Ino was so pleased to see White Orchids for the first time in her life, she has asked me where I found them but I couldn't exactly tell her. She as well asked me if these flowers were for my girlfriend. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm getting her these flowers, perhaps it's because I would like to see that look of happiness on her face. She looks a lot like her mother and she's also kind like her but she's definitely strong like her dad. There are things I seemed to have forgotten about my history with the Idojawa clan.
That doesn't matter, for now, I bought some vases and placed the flowers in them, I have watered them before I left them outside her window. The others that I picked I brought with me to the hospital.

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