Unexpected Change

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(Sasuke's POV)

I woke up, if it weren't for the pain intensifying in my body I would have thought I was dead. A part of me had wished so, what is my destiny? If vengeance isn't it, then what is? What is the reason I live for?

I felt water  drops on my face and when I opened my eyes, I realized they were Ran's tears. Looking in her deep purple eyes, I could finally see her pain. What she said that day when I thought she was dead. I have made her pain worse, yet here she is still helping me. She is still trying to keep me alive. I stood no chance against her. Just when I think I have finally witnessed the extent of her powers she goes ahead and becomes stronger.

"Why?" I mumbled. her expressions didn't change. Perhaps I didn't even say a word. I tried to reach for her but she would move away then she held my hand stopping it. 
"A promise" she answered before adding "I promised him and I always keep my promises" 
"You promised him what?"
"That I'd protect you, I'd be by your side. That I'll guide you...Although..." she wiped her tears "You have lost your way and I am still unable to guide you back"

"Do you really hate me?" 
"Yes...No....I...I don't know Sasuke" She wasn't lying, the hesitation was clearly showing in her eyes "I'm angry...Hurt...and Confused" she stood up and I stayed silent as she brought me water and food. I denied it at first but she made me eat, said I needed to get better so we'd move. 

After our short conversation, she kept her answers short. I was better, yet she still summoned one part of Diyguel. She helped me up and got down walking besides her ten tails. Looking down at her, I remembered what happened when she attacked me. That moment when I begged her for my life, I remember the look on her face when she got in front of the blast.

The suffering she went through, must have been great. She could withstand that amount of chakra blasted her way and not suffer a single injury. she's a mystery for sure and I know nothing about her. 
"Ran" She didn't answer, instead Diyguel growled at me and I took it as a sign that she does not want to speak. It went on like that for what seemed to be weeks. even after we were reunited with the others.

She was not the same, there was no smile on her face. Most of the time she was wearing a mask, even without that she was keeping this Ōkami appearance. I have never dreamed of seeing her like this before. I've thought that I don't love her, that I don't care about her. But after my brother's death i am not even sure of what is real and what's just a faked reality.

"Did you...love him?"
"More than anything" she held her legs up to her chest "He saved my life, He gave it meaning and purpose" I stayed quiet this time. I wanted her to talk but that was all she said. 
"Ran, Why do you still go on living?"

"You call this living?" she chuckled in reply then she got serious and stayed silent for a long time before she decided on an answer "First it was to get revenge for my clan, then I found out my brother was alive, so that became my new purpose....but it vanished when Orochimaro caught me, he cursed me...suffered for years before Itachi saved me. He gave me hope, he brought back my purpose to live, helped me look for my brother and took care of me when I could barely even lift a finger. He told me his story and I told him mine and all the years between us disappeared. He could understand my pain and I understood his. Itachi, still spied for the hidden leaf to protect it. During one of our missions, he got sick. He almost died, fearing he would die before you learn the lesson he wanted to teach you, he entrusted me with it, with all the details. So you became my purpose. I promised him that I would protect you until my very last breath....He got better, but never to the fullest....I know you didn't kill him...He knew he had no time and wanted to free you from the curse....I was in denial and hurt you. I'm sorry" 

She was crying, I didn't think much about what was going to happen to me if I came close like I tried to last time, I simply pulled her close and hugged her tight.
She sobbed for what seemed to be hours. Before I knew it, I too was in tears. He was my brother after all and I looked up to him. 

We slept that night under the moonlight. I woke up some time that night as I felt movements. Diyguel was also alerted. She, however, was fast asleep. I didn't want to wake her up, This is the first time she slept in weeks. 
I took my sword and activated my Sharingan. There was no doubt, we were under attack. I had tried to fend them off as best as I could.

With Jūgo, Suigetsu, Karin and the one tail. We were able to successfully fend off our attackers. Though, I had no idea who they were or why they attacked.

(Naruto's POV)

I was in a training session with Yamato sensei, when we got summoned to the Hokage's office. I had a feeling of unease that day. I didn't want to waste any time so I hurried over there. Kakashi sensei was already there waiting. As I looked at them, their expressions gave away a part of the news. What I was about to receive was in no way good news. 

Before I could even ask what was wrong. Someone came in asking if the news about Jiraiya's death is for real. the voice was familiar, but I was in shock, so much that I didn't care who it was. 
I didn't need to hear their confirmation, I could read it all over their faces. 

I ran out of the office as fast as I could. Pervy sage was the closest thing to a father to me. He's more than my master, he was my family, my mentor. He protected me so many times, I was not even there to protect him. 

All throughout the day, everyone I knew came to tell me words of kindness. While I appreciated their help, at the time I wanted to be alone. 
I had always lost the people closest to me. I had always been alone, this feeling however, is a new one.

I cried silently as I remembered how we met; the moments we spent together

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I cried silently as I remembered how we met; the moments we spent together. He entrusted me with finding the answer to peace. I promise I will Master Jiraiya. I promise I will protect the Hidden Leaf, I will bring Sasuke home and I will bring peace to this world. tears willed up in my eyes. I wanted you to continue watching me.

I couldn't even mourn without continuous interruptions. There was a message he left, encoded yet no one was able to decode it. So I was called upon since I was his student and I knew him best. It took us a considerable amount of time but we were able to crack it. 

We found out that the hidden leaf was going to be attacked by the Akatsuki. The message read "The real one is not there", of course given the amount of information we had, it didn't make any sense. They asked me more than once, but there wasn't something related to that sentence this time. 

Grandma Tsunade had made up her mind that I would be sent to Mount Myoboku to finish my training. Of course I opposed but after a lot of convincing from her from Kakashi sensei, Yamato sensei, Sakura, Iruka sensei and the thought of Jiraiya sensei's sacrifice had made me change my mind. 

I was determined to train harder so I can protect the hidden leaf. The Akatsuki are after me, I refuse to let more people die because of me. I will become the Hokage!

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