Ran's Heritage

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(Author's note:
I am really sad about this ending. I might add another chapter or two but I am not so sure.
Thank you for your support!)

(Himawari's POV)

My name is Himawari Idojawa, I have come to be in this world 500 years ago. At a time where my clan and other clans were always in a constant fight for power. They looked up to me because I was the ten tails Jinchuriki, I possessed power that no other person in the shinobi world could ever imagine.
But I could not live the life of a shinobi. I grew tired of fighting, of killing people.

So I ran away from home

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So I ran away from home. My brother who was older than me became the leader of our clan. We were already feared and as long as the other clans did not know I was gone they would not dare fight.
I lived century after century. I saw the small clan fights become shinobi wars between great villages.
Each time treaties would be made and after a few years of peace, a new war would break.

It was a peaceful night when I had felt that it was almost my time to go. A person finally worthy of being my successor has arrived.
I had sent out a clone to deliver a summon to the parents of the fortunate or perhaps not so fortunate child.

I waited for them to come and just when I thought they were bailing on me, I saw two people that I knew without a doubt were descendants of the Idojawa.
"Lady Ania" I looked her way, she was with child though she probably had just come to know "Lord Ibogi"
"How do you know our names? Who are you?"
"My name is Himawari Idojawa. I know all. I know your child is my successor, it will possess power that others will want for themselves. I suggest that this is kept secret otherwise your child will suffer as will you"
"The only Himawari Idojawa I know was mentioned in old clan scrolls as the ten tails Jinchuriki" Ibogi spoke.
"I am that Himawari of whom you speak" I activated my Rinnegan and showed them the ten tails.
"But that's impossible. She disappeared five hundred years ago. She is long dead"
"Fighting was never my thing. I'm afraid I'm a failure of a shinobi despite all of this strength. You see immortality comes with this, I found out too late. I'm afraid the only way I can peacefully pass is after I find a successor:  Your child" I smiled. I did not know how they would react.

"We do not want such power"
"I'm afraid neither you nor I have a saying in that. It has already been decided. I've been getting weaker lately. And I will be gone before your child is born. So please allow me to seal the ten tails before it is too late." I summoned him and they both wanted to fight me.

"It's futile" I paralyzed them both "I'm not your enemy. I don't want to be alive anymore. When I ran away I never thought I would live 500 years. I had witnessed my brother's death along with anyone I had ever loved" I remember the boy I met after I ran away. He too was killed and I could not do anything "I saw war after war, so much bloodshed but even after all of that time I am not accustomed to it. If anything, my reason for doing this is selfish. I want to die and be at peace at last. Whether you allow me to seal the ten tails now or after I am dead. It is fate" I looked at Ibogi, he knows more of this since he has read the clan scrolls. Our history was always kept safe

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