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(Naruto's POV)

By the time we got to where Sasuke and Itachi were, there was nobody there. I got there too late yet another time. I yelled as the rain heavily poured on us, Sakura tried to calm me down but I cursed her out of my way. I just wanted to find him already, so that we can finally be at peace.

What should I do now? If Ran is found out to be the ten tales Jinchuriki then all I've been fighting for has been for nothing. 
"Damn it!!" I hit the wall beside me, I can't be thinking this way, I can't be giving up. Ran is strong, as long as she's with Sasuke then I can at least rest assured that he is safe. 

We had to go back to the village, I tried to keep my real feelings hidden; my anger, my frustration, my disappointment and my pain. To everyone else, I seemed to be with no worries, the number one hyper active knucklehead as they call me, but I'm not dumb or stupid. I'm far more complicated than i am willing to admit.

Even I don't understand them so how can i share them with other people, people who won't even understand me. Ran does, because she is the same as me. Sasuke does because he has gone through the same pain I went through and Gaara is a Jinchuriki as well. I managed to make others love me but that doesn't mean they understand how much pain they had caused me. 

"Naruto!!" I was faced with a hit on my head and I rubbed it.

"Ow... what was that for,  Sakura?"
"For leaving me talking like an idiot when you're not even listening" she hit me another time and I stood silent afterwards "You're making me worried Naruto"
"You shouldn't be...It's fine, I was just wondering if....Ran was alright you know?" 
"Oh" she looked up at the sun "Well she must be she doesn't have a choice, I still need to kick her ass"
"Yeah...As if" I chuckled
"What's that supposed to mean?" She stumped her foot down so hard that the ground opened up, I jumped away as a reaction. 
"I have to go training Sakura, Thank you for lunch today"
"NAAAARUUUTOOOOO!!!" Her voice echoed as i made my way to the training grounds with Kakashi sensei and Yamato sensei. 

Ever since our last failed attempt to bring Sasuke home, my nine tails has been very active, Yamato sensei, being the only one able to actually control it; has been working overtime. Both he and Kakashi sensei would spend hours lecturing me about how I can't afford to lose control over my feelings. Even they don't understand. 

After some training, or should I say more failed attempts, Kakashi sensei finally called for a break. From the look of the breathless Yamato sensei, I agreed. However, I knew I was no different. I laid in place staring at the blue sky, holding to Ran's necklace so tight. 

"Naruto! Are you okay?" I sat up, her voice brought me to reality but it felt like I was dreaming her presence at the time.
"Ra-Ran..." I was at tears instantly, she didn't hesitate running to my arms and hugging me and I hugged her back "Yeah" I answered shortly "I am alright, What are you doing here?"

"You called me, I thought you were in trouble...and seeing you lying on the ground..." She hugged me tight again "I can't lose you too". 
"Did something happen to Sasuke?" 
"He's not the same ever since he went to Orochimaru....But,'s even worse" She pulled slowly "He's out for revenge....Against the hidden leaf....For Itachi."
"What?" My eyes widened "what do you mean, Ran?" I didn't want her to go before she explained everything to me.
She looked up at me with her bloody red Sharingan eyes. I was in a Genjutsu.
"Naruto, you're the only person I can trust with this. You're the only person who can talk to Sasuke"

She had told me everything and I felt oblivious to a big part of Anbus lives. These people give their lives out in the shadows and do the most unspeakable things. They go as far as kill their own family if it means keeping the peace of the village. She had ended the Genjutsu and she left while I stayed there contemplating how to calm Sasuke and change his mind.

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