Chapter 2

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The concert finished and I felt my heart drop, I couldn't afford more One Direction tickets and unless I stalked them I would probably never see Harry again.

But he did practically stare at me for the entire concert so that was a plus side. I just had to face the reality that me and Harry would never be together. Besides I couldn't let that one little thing ruin my night.

Me and Lilly screamed as they walked off stage and we reluctantley left not wanting the concert to be over. We were both on cloud nine after that and Lilly was staying the night at mine. When we finally arrived home we were still singing One Direction at the top of our voices when we opened my door.

We were singing live while we're young when we burst into the living room to see my parents sitting there with a concered look on thier faces. We stopped abrubtly and my parents told us to sit down. 'Whats wrong?' I said almost forgetting the concert.

'Well we didn't tell you because we didn't know if he would get it and now he did we feel awful and-' 'Stop!' I shouted, 'I have no idea what your talking about!' I said. My mum looked at my Dad with desperation and then My Dad spoke.

'We are moving to Austraila as I have just been given a big promotion out there.' My heart felt as if it had stopped and I intsntley felt faint. The One Direction concert was now only a distant memory as my head clouded over and i lost my vision.


After the concert the only thing on my mind was the beautiful girl at the concert. My tummy grumbled and I realised that I was hungry. 'Hey Louis,' I started, 'You want to go out for dinner?' Louis locked his phone and looked up. 'Sorry mate, I can't, I'm meeting Elenour for dinner.' Louis said apologetically.

'Can I come?' I said. Wow I just realised how desperate that sounded. 'Erm, I kinda promised El a romantic diner sorry.' Louis said agian. 'I gotta go Harry, Bye.' So I was alone for dinner then, Yay me. I really need a girlfriend. That girl fom the concert really caught my eye but I don't even know her name and the reality was that I was never going to see her again.

So I went out the back door to avoid any hassle and got in my car. I decided to just have a drive through from Macdonald's to avoid people recgonising me. 'Can I have a small burger with chips please and apple juice.' I said as I was ordering my dinner.

"Yes that will be £7.50 please.' the girl said. When I looked up I saw the realisation kick in. 'You- Your Harry Styles!' she stammered.

'Yeh thats me.' I smiled trying to keep things under control. She squealed. 'Can I have your autograph?' She said excitedly. 'Of course.' I said. I just wanted this to be over. Don't get me wrong I love the fans but I wasn't really in the mood tonight.

The car behind beeped its horn as I handed her the autograph and smiled. She seemed starstruck. 'Thanks, collect your meal from the next window please.' she spoke as if she were in a daze. 'Thanks' I said as I drove away.

I managed to collect my dinner without too much hassle. It was a man who served me it and I think he recognised me but wasn't too bothered. I was glad he let it pass. When I got home I sat down on my couch and turned on the tv.

There wasn't much on I was interested in so I turned it off. After finding nothing to do on twitter I sat there in the quiet and realised how much I hated being alone. I really want to meet that girl from the concert and I wasn't going to rest until I knew who she was. I needed to get over Molly.



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Ly guys :)

-Maisie x

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