Chapter 14

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As Kelly walked in I admired her beauty. I so hoped she broke up with Harry soon. When he saw her he smiled but his eyes didn't match it. She smiled and I also saw that Kelly's eyes didn't light up the way they did when she talked to me. I winked at her but she didn't notice.

Her friend looked over at me and she suddenly turned very pale. "Niall?!" She said. "That's me!" I said as she engulfed me in a hug. She then hugged evryone in turn and then returned to her spot next to Kelly on the couch. "So what do you guys have planned?" She asked excitedly.

It was wierd to spend time witb a fan. I mean we had before but we were always told how to act and what to do with the fan. "I don't know, what do you want to do lads?" Zayn asked. "BOWLING!" Harry screamed. I loved him. We all laughed.

"I guess we have to go bowling then because Harry demands it." Louis said sarcastically. "And if you don't I'll... TICKLE YOU!" Harry said again and jumped on Louis. Kelly whispered to Katie and then they stood up and shouted, "LARRY!" Louis and Harry stopped.

"What?" we all said simultaneously. "You know, Louis and Harry's shipping name?" Kelly said. "Oh I think I have heard of that." Harry said. "You have?!" We all said.

"Um, so what time you wanna go bowling?" Harry said changing the subject as Louis climbed off him. "Now!" Katie said. "Haha she is certainly pushy!" Liam said. "Oi!" Katie said throwing a pillow at Liam. He smiled and I could tell he fancied her. Oh no.


On the way to the bowling ally Katie sat next to me and gigled almost all the way there. Kelly sat uncomfortably next to Zayn and kept staring at Niall and Me. I remembered what Molly told me and I didn't want to make her angry.

"Kelly?" I said. She turned round looking angry. "What?" She asked. I winked and blew her a kiss. She smiled her anger melting. I felt relief flow through me. But then Katie leaned on me and my shoulder tensed.

Thankfully her phone rang and she sat up  "Hello? Yes! I thought-. One Direction. No! Fine! Bye." She spoke on the phone. "I have to go." Katie said sying. "Ok where do you live?" Kelly asked. "Not far from the bowling ally," Katie replied, "Just drop me off there." Katie said.

We soon pulled up at the bowling ally and I saw Kelly relax as Katie moved away from me. "Bye!" Katie said walking away. Kelly let out a sigh. "She was getting cosy wasn't she Harry?" Zayn joked and Kelly sent him daggers. I laughed and grabbed her hand as we went inside.


We went inside and Harry tied my bowling shoes up for me. He was being such a gentleman today and it was slightly suspicious. It made me feel even worse for not loving him properly... We walked up to a privare part of the bowling area to make sure no one disturbed the boys and me.

Once we had finished one game I was loosing, well infront of Niall. Niall sat down and faked cried. Harry laughed and grabbed my hand. "We'll go get some snacks before the next game." Harry offered and we left the private part of the bowling area.

We walked over to the snack bar and Harry ordered two large buckets of popcorn and then joined me at the seats waiting. He put his arm round me and I leaned in. "I am so lucky." Harry whispered in my ear. "Yes you are." I said and leaned up to kiss him.

When I opened my eyes and broke the kiss I saw Mark standing at the bar staring at me and Harry. I felt sick. Harry didn't seem to notice Mark or my sudden green-ness and went to collect the popcorn. "Coming babe?" Harry asked. "I'll meet you back in there." I said.

Harry nodded and walked away. "Kelly?" Mark said and I saw tears in his eyes. "Its not what-" I started but Mark cut me off. "Save it Kelly you are oviously with him." Mark said with disgust in his voice. "I was dating Harry before, a-and our kiss, it was just- a spur of the moment thing! You kissed me!" I defended myself.

"Its nice to know where I stand." Mark said. "No! Ok I don't love you but I still want to be friends!" I protested. "Well I don't want to be friends!" Mark shouted.

"You are fierd from the bar,  I don't want to see you at school and I suggest you start looking for another friend because I'm not gonna be there for you anymore!" Mark shouted before jogging out of the bowling place with a frown plastered on his face. I was on the floor crying.  My life here was falling apart.


Kelly was taking a long time and I was worried about her. "I'm just nipping to the toilet." I said and walked away to find Kelly. I saw her on the ground and I ran over to her. "What happened?!" I asked. "Niall? Oh nothing I just... fell over." She said but I didn't buy her lie.

I helped her up and hugged her. She needed sympathy more than enterigation right now. When she broke the hug I spotted Harry and he had certainty spotted us. He walked over and I gulped. "Niall?!" Harry said annoyed. "I fell over, He was just helping me up." Kelly explained. "Lets just go."Harry said and he glared at me.


Harry drove and he didn't seem happy. The boys all sat in the back with me in the front next to Harry. "I'm sorry!" I plead. "He was just helping me up!" "Why were you on the floor?!" Harry shouted. "I already told you! I fell over!" I shouted back.

"I don't belive you!" He shouted. "Fine this guy pushed me!" Harry turned his body fully towards mine and said. "I'm not sure I'm in love with you anymore!" And thats the last thing I heard because my vision cut out and pain shot through my whole body.

haha you probably all hate me now! What do you think has happened? And how long should I make this book? Short or long like 50-100 chapters? Please comment! Thanks for all the votes and reads :) It was my birthday yesterday and I decided to write today. What team are you? Harry? Niall? Mark? Thanks for reading! - Maisie x

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