Chapter 34

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After I had cleaned up Niall's face as best I could he tried to clean my eye too but I flinched and Niall kissed me. "I can't belive he-" Niall said shaking his head and I smiled. "Please, I just don't want to talk about it." I said and wrapped my arms around him.

"I swear if he-" Niall satrted but I put my hand over his mouth. "Babe please."  said and he nodded zipping his lips and I laughed. We sat and waited for the door to open and Niall kept looking at my eye in worry.

A knock at the door sent me bolting upwards and Niall followed me too. "Mum!" Is houted as I opened the door hugging her and smiling. Niall gasped adn I turned to face him. "What's wr-" I satrted but I finished when I saw my Mum's face.

Her eye was bruised to match mine and her cheeck looked like it had been slit in two. "Oh my god." I said sitting down as Katie and Mark came in and shut the door. "I'm so glad you left him." I said hugging her again but she pushed me away. "I erm didn't break up with him." My Mum said and I let my mouth hang open.

"Where is he?" I asked and my Mum and she sighed. ""In our hotel room. I asked him to stay so we could talk to you." My Mum said. I inched away from her and Niall sat down and put his arm around me. "I know your upset but-" She started but I cut her off.

"I am beyond upset! I can't believe you still stay with him after he beats you and me up! I still have the scars Mum! I had no choice but you do!" I screamed and ran my hands through my hair. "You are beyond my help. Do what you want I don't care anymore." I said standing up and opening the dorr. "Get out." I said anger boling over.

"I think your being a little harsh." My Mum said and I shook my head. "One thing beofre you go she said pointing to Katie who was holding a box. "I don't if you'll want it but it was your grandma's and I heard you couldn't find one." MY mum said smiling sadly.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I'm not giving up on you that easily." My Mum said smiling at me and going out the door. "I'll guess I'll go too." Mark said standing up and shutting the door behind him. "Don't look at me I'm staying for your hen night!" Katie said laughing. I have missed her.

"So um whats in the box?" I asked. "Well its your grandma's wedding dress according to your Mum." Katie said smiling and handing me the box. "Not to be mean but don't you have somewhere to go?" I asked Niall.

"Your asking your husband as of tomorrow to leave?!" Niall said putting his hand on his heart and mockingly laughed. "Babe you know its unlucky for you to see my wedding dress before the wedding." I said kissing Niall. He nodded and put his jacket on and grabbed his bag.

"Have a nice stag do!" I yelled as he closed the door and me and Katie ran into my room so I could try on my dress. I lay the box on the bed and took a deap breath. "Why are you so nervous?" Katie asked. "If this dress isn't perfect then I have no wedding dress." I said finally realising how important this was.

Katie gave me a reasuring smile as I lifted the lid off the box. Inside the box I found a traditional white dress that came down to the knees and a matching tiara and vail. I was utterly gobsmacked. It was beautiful. "You don't like it?" Katie asked frowning.

"No." I said. "I absolutely love it!"



In an hours time I had to meet Niall at some bar I had never heard of. I guess he had something special planned. I was still in bed with Louis after Louis had brought me a sandwitch to eat before going to the club with Niall. I was wearing a green top and black skinny jeans. Louis was wearing a black top and black skinny jeans.

Black was definately Louis' colour. He looked hot. I hoped no girls would try to hit on him while he was out with Liam and Zayn. Or guys for that matter. "Babe." Louis said biting his lip. "Mmm." I replied my mouth full of sandwitch "You wont try it on with anyone tonight will you?" Louis asked. He must have been thinking the same thing.

"Of course not babe." I replied. "Good but I know what your like when your drunk." Louis said. "Well I told you babe I'm not going to get drunk." I said kissing Louis to reasurre him. "Good casue you look hot." Louis siad through the kiss. "Same goes to you man in black." I joked as Louis rolled his eyes and continued to kiss me.



I was at the bar to meet Harry at. I was early but Kelly had wanted me to leave. I think she wanted some time alone with Katie. Everything was perfect. I wanted Harry to enjoy this night as I think he has been feeling a bit acward around us since he announced he was gay.

Not that we didn't have our suspicions. 45 minutes the guests were starting to pile in and still no sign of Harry. Then Harry suddenly sauntered in looking... well hot. Wait, I shouldn't be thinking that. He looked... nice. Yeh lets go with that.

Harry spotted me from across the room and smiled before walking over. "Hey." Harry said. It was clear he didn't want to be here. "Sup." I said acwardly. I hadn't realised how many couples were here tonight untill me and Harry were acwarly standing together amongst many kissing couples.

"This is fun." I said sarcastically. "Lets go get some drinks." I said tugging Harry over to the bar. "Oh I can't I promised Louis I wouldn't get drunk. "Babe its only one drink." I said camly ordering us two shots. Babe? Where did that come from?

The bartender handed us two shots and I smiled and Harry looked uneasy as I downed mine. Harry followed suit and I smiled at him.



Kelly would not stop going on about the wedding! I mean I know its her hen do and all but I wish she would shut up. I was running over the plan in my head. I was going to make Harry realise he wasn't gay. Louis better call up elenor becasue he was getting dumped tonight.



After 1 hour of downing shots it seemed like Harry was ffinally having a good time. We were in the middle of the dance floor dancing and Harry was laughing as he twirled me around. I pulled Harry back over to the bar for another shot. We were both very drunk by now. We downed another 3 wehn Harry used his shirt to wipe his mouth. I caught a glimse of his perfectly toned abs and his hot tattos.

He winked at me when he saw me staring. I ruffled Harry's hair and smiled. "Your really hot you know Haz." I said slurring my words. "I know." Harry said winking. I couldn't help myself. I leaned in closing the gap between our lips.



Thank you for reading and voting and commenting! I hope you are enjoying the story! please comment so I know what you think (: ily -Maisie x

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