Chapter 23

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Oh. My. God. I could not believe who was standing infront of us right now. Well I could but I was still surprised. "Molly?!" I finally said. "Thats right Kelly," She said my name with disgust, "Thought you could get rid of me that easily?" She said spitefully.

"Molls why have you tak-" Perrie started. "Save it! And don't call me that!" Molly cut in. "I'll tell you why I have taken you all! Shall I?" Molly said wandering around us and looking down on us.

"Niall was mine, so you just had to have him didn't you?!" She said directed at me but I didn't say anything out of fright. "So I decided to take Harry from you but that stupid boy still loved you! Even after I told him you had anger issues!" She finished. My anger was boiling.

But even after Molly said all those lies about me he still loved me? I felt my heart melt a little. "After I told him that he barley spoke to me again and kicked me out of his life. I thought about kidnapping the boys but that would have been too hard considering how much security they have.

So I had to come up with a plan that would make them angry and then it hit me! I could kidnapp all their girlfriends and torture them with it untill Niall or Harry agrees to let me be their girlfriend again!" She finished and glared at me. "It worked both ways beacsue I loath you all."

Molly said turning away shaking her head. "But why..." Sophie whispered. "I'LL TELL YOU WHY!" Molly shouted. "Beacsue Kelly and Katie thought they could replace me and you lot just shut me out! Besides no one in the band will be able to focus without their precious little 'loves of their lives'!" Molly said laughing.

"You should have seen their faces when I took you!" She said to me, "Niall started to cry. What a baby!" She finished and slammed the door as I stood up and slammed against the door banging my fists.

Molly snapped a picture and laughed. I fell over and realised the pain in my legs. My life was nothing anymore. Nothing.


We were still waiting on someone to come pick us up and I think Zayn was loosing it. He was walking round in circles crying and muttering to himslef. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out. "Guys I have a text from a blocked number." I said and they gathered round me.

The text read; Guess who I have? Call me ;) Which was followed by a picture of Kelly's greif stricken face slammed up aganst a door and tears streaming down her face. Then something hit my phone ad I realised it was one of my tears.

I couldn't imaigne what they were doing to her and I didn't want to imagine either. Why did nothing go right for me? I dialled the number back ready to shout down the phone.

"Seems like you made theright choice blondie, Now just follow my damands and you can have your girls home by the end of the day." A spitefull voice said down the line and I knew exatelly who it belonged to. The girl who I knew would boil Kelly's blood and the girl I once loved. Molly.

Thanks for reading and voting and commenting! Triple update! woo! Did you guess who it was? Ily for reading :) thanks - Maisie x

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