Chapter 33

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I woke up on the eve of our wedding to a sleeping Louis. He is the most adorable guy that I have ever seen. His chest was rising and falling evenly and his hair flopped over his face. I put his fringe back on top of his head revealing his adorable features. I sighed at how perfect he was. I couldn't find a single fault. How could I be so lucky?

Louis eyes fluttered open and he caught me tracing his tattos and he smirked. "Caught in the act." Louis said kissing me on the forehead and I blushed. "Don't get too drunk tonight." Louis said concern clear in his voice.

"Drunk?" I said smirking, "I don't know what you mean." "I mean it haz, please don't. I know what your like at parties." Louis said laughing memories flashing before him. "Ok Lou." I said cutley. "I want to be able to stand at the altar." I said jokingly. "You know what I mean." Louis said smiling. "It's fine. I trust you." Louis said and I smiled.

"Same goes for you yound man." I said in a joke dad voice and Louis laughed. "I wish I could fast forward to tomorrow." Louis said wrapping his arms around me. "Me too, Can we just stay in bed all day?" I said hopefully. "You know Niall has planned your stag do down to the last detail, He will be gutted if you don't show up." Louis said.

"Yeh same goes with Zayn so we had better get up." I said starting to get up but Louis arms weighing me down. "5 more minutes?" Louis asked and I smiled. "Anything for my fiancee." I smiled lying down and wishing the day away.


I was sitting on the couch all dolled up but biting my nails, awaiting my mothers arrival. Niall walked in dressed nicely as he knew I wanted to make a good impression. I would also be seeing Mark and Katie which I was also nervous to see.

Me and Mark need no explaining but me and Katie haven't spoken her and Harry broke up and I worry she might blame me for that not speaking to her. She moved back to australia when they brke up. It was her choice not mine. They wern't due for 15 minuted but I wanted to be ready for their arrival.

Niall switched on the tv and I tried to focus on the programme but it didn't work. Niall began to stroke my hair becasue he knows it calms me down.

We sat in silence untill a phone began ringing. "I'll get it." Niall said getting up. I listened intentaly to what the conversation was about. "Hello? Yes. *laughter* 57. Ok. Bye." Niall hang up the phone. "It was your dad, he forgot which apparnment we were in." Niall said and I smiled to cover the butterflies in my tummy. "W-Where are they?" I asked. "Coming up the stairs." Niall said coming over to hug me.

"Im sorry I should have asked you first. I'm so sorry." Niall cooed and I smiled. "Its ok babe." I said managing to keep in the tears in. "Just be prepared to do most of the talking" I said and he laughed. "Babe there is something you should know." I began but then the front door opened.


Kelly was about to tell me something when the door opened and I immediately stepped forward to greet Kelly's parents. My parents should also be here soon and will hopefully keep them busy.

"Kells?!" Katie said and wrapped her arms around Kelly while I helped her parents in with thier bags. The boy I had only breifly seen before at the bowling alley when Kelly began to cry walked in not looking entirely happy to be here.

Kely's mum wrapped her in a hug and Kelly smiled and then her mum stepped back and looked at her. "You have grown so much." She said a tear in her eye. Suddenly she turned around to see her husband or Kelly's dad coming out of the bedroom.

He put an arm on Kelly's mums shoulder and she winced in pain. "Kelly." Her dad said and outsteched his hand. Kelly shook it but didn't smile and he came over and I shook his hand. "I can't believe you wern't going to invite us to your own wedding!" Kelly's dad said pacing the living room. "At lease Niall had the decency to call us." He said gritting his teeth and Kelly flinched looking down,

"Im sorry." Kelly mumbled. "WHAT?" Her dad shouted and I realised this had to stop. I stepped infront of Kelly creating a wall between her and her dad. "I don't mean to be rude but you can't talk to her like that." I said bravely. Her Dad lurched towards me and my vision went black.


I was ued to my Dad abusing us but hitting Niall struck something in me that I didn't know exsisted. I lay Niall on the couch. "Could you please all leave." I said strongly and my Mum looked heartbroken. I handed Katie some money. "There should be a coffee shop down the road you can go to for a couple of hours." I said and my Mum let out a breath and hugged me. "Except for you Dad." I said the word with disgust.

"I have put up with you for ages. Watch you beat my Mum and never said anything. But you don't hit Niall. You have overstepped the line." I said. "Go away, back to Austrailia to hell I don't care just get out of my life." I said and he punched my in the eye. I knew it was coming. "As for you Mum just leave him. But you can all come back later if you want." I said usering them out the door.

"See you later." My Dad said and I shook my head. "If you step one foot in my house I wont hesitate to call the police and tell them everything. I said and he backed down the hall. "Don't think you've seen the last of me!" He shouted and I slammed the door and running to get peas for NIall's face.

I sat next to him holding the peas to his face untill he woke up 10 minutes later. It turns out my eye had been hit pretty badly and the first thing Niall said was, "Babe your hurt." And he transferred the peas to my eye. "You should see your face you need them more." I said putting the peas back.

I began to cry thinking about everything that had happenned. "I was trying not to upset him." I told Niall. "But it didn't work. It never used to work. HE used to beat my anyway. No matter how hard I tryed to be perfect it never worked." I said through tears.

"Shh." Niall said running his fingers through my hair and sighing. "I wish you had told me and I would never have invited him." Niall said tears also forming in hs eyes. "I kept telling my mum to leave him and I stil do now but she needs his money. He had never hit me in the face before. Too noticeable. But he would cut me on my legs and arms and beat me till I bled." I explained.

"When they announced we were moving I thought he might change. God was I wrong. I wanted to get away. And then I met you. I could never belive you would want me if you knew." I said finally breaking down. Niall rocked me and we stayed silent.

"I would never have left you. If you had told me I could ahve helped, let you stay with me." Niall siad shaking his head. ""I should have noticed." Niall sais shaking his head. "How could you have? I hid it so well." I admitted and we sat thinking things over.

"Where are they?" Niall finally asked. "I gave them some money to go down tot he coffee shop. Said I needed a few hours." I explained. "Even your Dad?!" Niall asked shocked. "No I told him to go to hell." I said and Niall laughed. "Good for you."

"And despite all of this do you know what is worrying me the most right now?" I said. "No what?" Niall asked.

"Imagine how bad the wedding pictures will look." I said and Niall laughed. "They'll look beutiful as long as your in them." Niall said embracing me.



Thanks for reading voting and commenting :) -Maisie x

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