A Night to Remember

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As the evening approached Míriel made her way to the dining hall to join the Dwarves for supper. She was joined by Mirima, Alya and Adanessa, however Míriel joined Elrond, Gandalf and Thorin by one table. Mirima sat down to play the harp while Adanessa and Alya picked their flutes up.

It had only been a few moments from that the Dwarves had sat down, to that the young Kíli began eyeing Mirima who sat behind the harp and played exquisitely. She was very beautiful, yes, but never would they have imagined that Dwarves found Elves attractive. Mirima ogled the Dwarf as well, probably because Kíli was not as bad looking as one would have expected a Dwarf to be.

Meanwhile, the other Dwarves were not enjoying the food at all. Elves did not eat meat while Dwarves did not seem to eat any vegetables at all. They were constantly complaining about the food being tasteless, then the music being dull and then on Elves overall. It was quite rude and it did not seem that the Dwarves cared that they were offending their hosts.

"Where's the meat?" asked one Dwarf - Dwalin his name was if Míriel remembered correctly.

Despite the Dwarves being rude and disruptive, Míriel felt slightly bad for them since they were probably being to bed hungry this night. They were guests in Imladris after all, and therefore Míriel would try to fetch them some other food before they retired for bed. This way the Dwarves would at least feel that the Elves were polite, even if they were not in return.

When Míriel turned back to Elrond, Thorin and Gandalf were talking about swords that they had come by on their journey to Rivendell. Thorin had a fine, timeless sword named Orcrist; a sword which was known as the Goblin-cleaver. All the swords that Gandalf showed were Elf-made from Gondolin, beautiful and precise.

"Where have you come by these swords?" Elrond asked curiously.

"We found them in a Troll-hole by the Great East Road," Gandalf said. "Shortly before we were ambushed by Orcs."

This made Míriel very interested in the conversation all of the sudden as she never would have thought that there were Trolls in the Great East Road. It was no usual for them to leave their holes and come down south, and so it seemed that the Elves from Rivendell should deal with the matter. Though because of this, Gandalf and the Dwarves had been able to see a Troll-hole with their own eyes and investigate the fascinating treasures that were hidden there. Míriel would have done a lot for such an experience.

"And what were you doing on the Great East Road?" Elrond asked and raised his eyebrows.

Thorin cleared his throat, excused himself and glared at Gandalf who said nothing in order to please the Dwarf. Míriel followed Thorin with her gaze and thought to herself that it was evident that the Dwarves were hiding something grand. They did not want to share their secret with the Elves, but Gandalf had brought them there for a reason either way. Míriel assumed that they wanted counsel from Elrond, as many did.

"Thirteen Dwarves and a halfling," Elrond said quietly to Gandalf while taking a sip of his wine. "Strange travelling companions, Gandalf."

"These are the descendants of the House of Durin," Gandalf said and gestured toward the Dwarves. Míriel spotted Nori stealing the saltcellar and the large red-headed Dwarf Bombur stuffing his face with any food he could find. "The noble ancient folk and they are surprisingly concerted. They've got a deep love of the arts." They were not very elegant nor were they decent, not a very impressive lot by the looks of them. Gandalf had said it with such pride and vigour, while these Dwarves resembled a little group of circus artists.

"Change the tune, will you?" said Nori to Mirima and glared at her while she was playing on the harp beautifully. Mirima ignored Nori and continued playing. "Feels like I'm at a funeral!"

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now