Flames of War

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"Such is the nature of evil," said King Thranduíl as he paced slowly around the captive Orc amid his throne room. "Out there in the waste, ignorance of the world infectious and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark, a sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was, so will it always be. In time, all foul things come forth."

Legolas was holding a dagger to the Orc's throat while it struggled in the prince's grip. At the sides stood Míriel and Tauriel, observing the interrogation. Thranduíl wanted information about the Orc's mission to end Thorin Oakenshield and his company for it was even to Míriel still unknown why they were so adamant about this cause. When Thranduíl was satisfied, Míriel was certain that she would be handed her punishment for helping the Dwarves escape, for this news must have reached the King in some way already.

"You were tracking a company of thirteen Dwarves," said Legolas to the Orc stiffly, tightening his grip on his throat. "Why?"

"Not thirteen," said the Orc with a foul smile. It did seem that the Orc was incapable of counting because thirteen they were indeed. "Not anymore. The young one, the black-haired archer... We stuck him with a Morgul shaft. The poison is in his blood. He'll be chunking on it soon."

The King did not waste as much as a frown on the Orc's words while Míriel was trying hard not to break. The sense of panic started to grow in her chest as she realised that poor Kíli had been poisoned and was now far away with Dwarves that did not know how to heal him. They needed Míriel's gift more than ever, but of course, she had no idea where they were.

Kíli's only hope was if the Orc was lying and only said this to upset Míriel, but they could never be certain. Míriel was certain of one thing, though, and that was that she could not stay in the Woodland Realm much longer. As soon as the opportunity would show itself to her, she would leave into the wilderness to find her friends.

"Answer the question, filth," Tauriel spat and there was an apparent look of sadness in the Elf-maiden's eyes.

"I do not answer to dogs, She-Elf!" the Orc said and spat at the ground without an ounce of shame in his bones for doing so to his captors. Those who had been merciful enough to let him live were not being spat at by their prisoner and despite this, King Thranduíl did nothing in return.

Tauriel was fierce enough not to need the king to help protect her for she grabbed her dagger in all haste and threateningly started moving toward the Orc slowly.

"I would not antagonize her," Legolas said.

"You like killing things Orc?" muttered Tauriel as she moved soundlessly toward the Orc with the blade ready in her hand. "You like death? Then let me give it to you!" Tauriel leapt forward, ready to strike the Orc.

"Enough!" Thranduíl commanded which stopped Tauriel in her movement. "Tauriel, leave! Go now."

Tauriel looked at her king without moving as much as a muscle in her face, and then she blankly left under the stairs. The last Míriel saw was a dark expression on her otherwise fair face, for the Elf-maiden wanted revenge and she would not stop until she had gotten it. With Tauriel gone, the interrogation continued as if she had never been there.

"I do not care about one dead Dwarf," Thranduíl said and turned back to the Orc. "Answer the question, you have nothing to fear. Tell us what you know, and I will set you free."

Thranduíl's indifference about the Dwarves was not surprising but saddening at the same time. It seemed that the King was truly heartless, and it was even more horrifying that it was an Elf - the fairest and purest of all races - who behaved in this way.

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