Prince of the Woodland Realm

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Míriel had been resting for longer than she realised when she no longer saw any sunlight slipping through into her chamber from the small window. She stood up from the bed and glanced into the large mirror, saw that she looked well-rested. There wasn't even a speck of dirt on her fair skin and her eyes were shining in their emerald green colour as usual. She walked toward the door and pressed her ear against the door, heard that there were not many Elves out walking at the moment. This was the perfect opportunity to do what she has been thinking about for hours. She had to go see the Dwarves, but with Legolas, she would never be allowed to do that. This was her chance to sneak down into the dungeons and speak to them, plan an escape. She wanted to know more details about what Thorin had spoken about with King Thranduíl since it had kept her up for very long.

Míriel carefully opened the door to the chamber and peeked outside. She glanced at her surroundings and noticed that there were no Elves around. She started walking down the long staircase that she had come from but soon realised that this palace was like a maze filled with staircases and tunnels. Míriel tried to think of the way that she had come from the throne room because she thought she could remember the way from there to the dungeons.

"What she was doing with those Dwarves is a mystery," said a sudden voice and Míriel quickly hid behind a pillar. She saw that it was two guards who walked next to each other, speaking of her. Míriel couldn't help but feel curious about the palace gossip, especially since it was about her. "I never thought that any maiden could live up to Lady Galadriel's beauty, but I was wrong. Lady Míriel is just as fair as her grandmother."

"Do not say that out loud around Prince Legolas again," said the other Elf and chuckled, making Míriel wonder what they were talking about. "Did you see how angered he became? He told us we had no right to speak of her in that way - but I cannot see why not. It was not like she was there."

Míriel smiled a little because Legolas had defended her when the Elves had spoken about her. Not that it was much to defend, they had just been speaking of how beautiful they thought she was which was very flattering. There was no reason for Legolas to be so angry, and Míriel wondered why he even cared. She hadn't been very nice to him the last time they met, and it did make her happy to know that he was kind in his own way.

The Elves disappeared and Míriel walked from where the guards had come from, and to her surprise, she saw the staircase that led down to the dungeons. Míriel hurried down and saw that it was empty with guards, which wasn't cleverly done of them in case the Dwarves intended to escape.

"Thorin?" Míriel whispered and moved to stand in front of the cells. The Dwarves were asleep, based on their loud snoring. She could see some of them, many were two in one cell while others had their own ones. "Hey! Wake up everybody!"

"Míriel," Fíli said suddenly while the others resistantly woke up from their slumber. Fíli seemed wide awake though and he smiled when he saw her like he wasn't expecting her to be well. They should know that Thranduíl would never hurt her, but she was glad that Fíli seemed to care about her health. "You're here! Are you alright? They haven't hurt you have they?"

"Of course not, look at her," said Kíli and grinned. "She's health itself. They've probably treated her like a princess here."

Míriel smiled back at Fíli's younger brother and winked at him; he could always force a smile from her no matter the situation. She needed it at the moment, she had worried so much during the time she rested. Míriel was suddenly reminded of how much she cared for these Dwarves, and it hurt to see them like that, locked up like criminals when they had done nothing wrong. Míriel could complain all she wanted about them, but deep down she felt a very strong love for them all.

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now