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Míriel continued to chat with Beorn throughout the night and found that he was a surprisingly kind man. She told him about her own journey but made no mention of Erebor or the Dwarves for it was not her place to say anything. Míriel awaited the morning and at first light, Beorn began cutting up logs in his garden, certain that the others would soon wake up and introduce themselves. They would soon notice that Míriel was gone and go and look for her.

Beorn had told Míriel that it was best for Míriel to stay in his house while he spoke to her companions, but she had begun to wonder what his reaction would be when he saw the Dwarves.

"I will go first," Míriel heard Gandalf say from the barn as she sat in the house by the window. She hadn't noticed Gandalf talking before, but her Elf-hearing could now pick up everything that happened in there. Gandalf was planning how to address Beorn, and he had told the Dwarves that it was necessary for him them to get Beorn's help. Míriel didn't understand how the skinchanger could help, though, but she assumed that the Wizard knew better than her.

"Bilbo, you come with me."

"W-what?" Bilbo said with a shaky voice. He was obviously pretty scared of Beorn, but Míriel agreed that is would be best for the two to present themselves first and explain to Beorn who they were. Bilbo was harmless without a weapon, so Beorn wouldn't be scared of him - hopefully. "Is this a good idea?"

"Yes, now the rest of you, you just wait here and don't come out until I give the signal," she heard Gandalf hurried voice said. He seemed slightly nervous too, even though he insisted that everything was going to be well. Míriel was tempted to tell them that it was alright, that Beorn was kind if you were kind to him first, but she wanted to see how this turned out since the Dwarves and Gandalf obviously had forgotten about her and hadn't even noticed that she was gone.

"Right," said Bofur and seemed alerted. "Wait for the signal."

"And no loud noises and don't overcrowd him," Gandalf said to the Dwarves. "Only come out in pairs. No actually Bombur, you count as two so you should come out alone. Remember; wait for the signal!"

Gandalf and Bilbo went out and became clear to Míriel's eyes as she sat by the window and looked at them. They didn't seem to notice her which made this a perfect opportunity to just watch this show and enjoy.

"What signal would that be?" she head Bofur ask the others as it was too late. Míriel could see that this was going to be a plan that was going to fail - and she looked forward toward it. Míriel knew that the Dwarves were going to be angry with her when she told them this story, but she honestly did not care since this was revenge for all the times they had teased her about being an Elf.

"You're nervous," Bilbo said to Gandalf and frowned. Míriel smiled and agreed with Bilbo; Gandalf seemed very tensed about meeting the skinchanger. Beorn was currently cutting up logs with his huge axe, and every time his axe met the wood, Gandalf flinched and probably imagined Beorn doing them same to them if they were not careful. Míriel wasn't worried at all, though, she knew the Dwarves could be charming if they wanted to.

"Nervous? Nonsense," Gandalf said and shook the thought away from his old features. "Good morning!" No answer from Beorn, perhaps he hadn't heard Gandalf speak to him since he was rather loud with his axe. "Eh, good morning!"

"Who are you?" Beorn asked and stopped chopping up wood. He didn't turn around completely, merely glanced back over his shoulder at Gandalf and Bilbo who had hidden behind Gandalf's back to not be seen. Míriel giggled quietly and leant her chin against her knees that were pressing against her chest.

"I am Gandalf, Gandalf the grey," Gandalf said and bowed his head.

"Never heard of him," Beorn said and turned around completely, staring at Gandalf with his dark eyes. Míriel's stomach lurched; she didn't see that very same look that she had received when she first saw Beorn. She started to fear for the Wizard and her companions, how could she be sure that Beorn would welcome them as much as he had done with her?

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now