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The road to Ravenhill was not quick but the three Elves hurried as fast as they could to get to the Dwarves. Hopefully, Bilbo had already gotten to them, warned them about what had happened and made up some plan to stay hidden until help came. To be honest, though, there was not much help to be given by three lone Elves against hundreds of Orcs. The best they could do was to find Thorin and the others and then retreat as soon as possible.

They crossed a bridge when suddenly huge bats came flying over their heads. Legolas jumped and grabbed a hold of one of its feet and it gave him a ride all the way up to the towers of the ruin. Tauriel and Míriel stared at each other, a little in awe since neither of them would have ever thought of this. Their eyes then moved as they heard a battle, and soon they could see that the young Dwarf fighting Orcs all by himself was Kíli.

"Kíli," Tauriel breathed as she saw her loved one after days of uncertainty. This meant that the Dwarves could still be alive, but they had already been attacked.

"Come, hurry," Míriel said and started running again.

She shot an arrow at one of the Orcs fighting Kili to help him while hurrying into the fortress. Tauriel fought the Orcs while Míriel tried finding a way to get to Kíli and the others. She could only hope that Thorin, Fíli and Dwalin were unharmed too, but she had not seen them. And now she had lost Legolas too who was off somewhere with that bat, and she wondered what his plan was.

Míriel helped Tauriel fight until they came to an opening where there were no Orcs.

"Kíli!" Tauriel shouted. "Kíli!"

"Tauriel!" Míriel heard Kíli cry back, and suddenly she felt very excluded. She helped to save his life too if he could recall that, but she didn't hear him calling Míriel's name.

They were distracted while trying to find Kíli's, so they did not notice an Orc coming up from behind, kicking Tauriel in the back and grabbing Míriel by the hair before throwing her against the wall. It felt like the air was pushed out of her for a moment, and it took her a second to understand what had happened.

Míriel sat up but noticed that her legs were very weak, and her head had been banged against the wall very hard. She could not see the Orc clearly since her head was spinning, but she did recognise him as Bolg. Tauriel was fighting him alone as best as she could whilst being hurt and Míriel had to get to her. Míriel stood up but when Bolg threw Tauriel against the wall too, he grabbed her again, twisted Míriel's arm painfully and hit her in the head.

Míriel now laid on the ground, not being able to move but seeing as Bolg neared Tauriel with his axe - ready to kill her. Míriel sat up and tried moving but could not stand up. Her entire body was burning, and she had never been in such pain before. Bolg was going to kill Tauriel first and Míriel next, and there was no energy in her to fight.

Before Míriel had time to do anything, Kíli came out of the nowhere and jumped onto Bolg's shoulders and started to fight him. Bolg threw Kíli away for he was bigger and stronger than Kíli, but that did not mean that the Dwarf gave in. Kíli fought bravely against Bolg despite being at such a disadvantage.

Bolg grabbed Kíli by the throat and smashed him into the ground in what looked like a very painful way. Míriel stood up, ignored the pain in her leg because she had to help him. Kíli was trapped there, in the hands of Bolg who held up his spear, ready to strike at any time. Tauriel and Míriel joined their power and jumped at Bolg at the same time, grabbing his spear to stop him from killing Kíli. Now that would have been good enough if they had their full strength, but Bolg kicked them both back and returned to his agenda.

Why everything seemed to go at such a slow pace when one really needed it to go quick, Míriel did not know. Her legs would not move as she wanted them to and she cried out as Bolg forced his spear into Kíli's chest - a deadly wound. The world was frozen in time as she saw Kíli's life being taken and his gaze showed more shock than it did pain.

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now