A Heart of Ice

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Míriel waited impatiently in the tent that Thranduíl had set up for himself. It was in a beautiful golden material and inside they had set up a small throne for the King as well as a table. A strange small coffin laid in the corner of the tent and Míriel was strictly forbidden to open it. She had been commanded to stay inside the tent while Bard would go and speak to Thorin, and Thranduíl would watch from afar. Beridan had been left to guard Míriel, and now he was rigidly trying to start conversations with her. Míriel was growing tired of sitting there doing nothing and she was desperate for good news. There was a great chance that Thranduíl would never have to use his army if only they could intimidate Thorin into giving them what they wanted.

Míriel did not recognise the Dwarf who dwelled in that mountain, and it scared her to know that the last thing she had seen of Thorin was his mad eyes, believing every word he said when he spoke of the people of Lake-town being lucky to have even survived. She could only hope that he had come to his senses and that this nightmare would soon be over.

"My lady, I am sorry that I led you here in false beliefs," Beridan said quietly and lowered his head in shame.

Míriel turned toward the young Elf and frowned since she didn't want Beridan to think that she blamed him for what had happened. Míriel understood that Beridan was Thranduíl's subject and that he had to obey his King. If he had refused Beridan would have faced the same fate as Tauriel had.

"Oh Beridan, I do not blame you at all," Míriel said quickly and shook her head. Beridan had been very kind to her despite everything. If anything, she was furious at the King. "I am sorry if that was what you have been thinking all this time because it is not. I know you were only following orders, and I cannot blame you for that."

"Thank you, my lady," Beridan said and bowed with a small smile planted on his lips. Míriel smiled back but could suddenly hear Thranduíl stepping into the tent.

Beridan stood up quickly and bowed to his King but Thranduíl barely gave him as much as a glance. She started to grow very impatient with him, and hatred grew within her. Never would Míriel had known that Elves could be in this way, she had started to uncover flaws in her own race that she did not like at all.

"The Dwarves refuse to accept our terms," Thranduíl said, and looked as if he was almost pleased with his own words.

The news brought a frown to Míriel's face and she refused to believe it at first. Thranduíl must have been lying for there was no way that Thorin had refused to give the people of Lake-town what they owed twice.

"Bard the dragon slayer spoke to Oakenshield but got nothing out of him. Thorin Oakenshield is blind and has not kept his word. We will attack at dawn."

"My lord, surely this could not be important enough to take lives?" Míriel said and frowned for she refused to believe that this was it. It could not be over. "There has to be some kind of mistake, I know the Dwarves and Thorin would never do this. He must have felt threatened or maybe-"

"Beridan, go see to our forces," Thranduíl said dismissively, interrupting her, without taking his eyes away from Míriel.

Beridan bowed and walked out, giving Míriel a gaze that told her to give in and not anger the King further. She was not going to do that though, she had to save her friends, or she would just have to climb up to that mountain and stand in between them and the Elves. Thranduíl may be keeping her hostage, but he would never kill a fellow Elf, especially someone that his son cared for. Thranduíl wanted her gift, she was valuable to him and she was planning to use this to her advantage.

"Let me speak to Thorin again," Míriel pleaded of Thranduíl, now taking a different approach to stop him from being angered. It was obvious that Thranduíl had a very strong mind, one that didn't budge for anyone who spoke rudely to him. "I have known him for a time now, and I am sure we would even be considered friends. He might listen to me now that the threat of your army is frightening him. I know that something must be wrong for Thorin to do this. He would never break his word to anyone, he is an honourable Dwarf."

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now