Daughter of the Forest

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Thranduíl was standing at the overlook, his eyes gracing over his lands which were shadowed by the clouds in the sky. Legolas walked up to his father carefully even though Thranduíl had already noticed his son coming. He did not turn around to look at him, though.

Even though his own father was a mystery to him, it was not hard to imagine what the king was thinking of. The Orc had brought grave news and whatever it had meant it had concerned Thranduíl greatly. Legolas had not fully understood what the Orc had been speaking of, flames of war and a king under the Mountain. It was all nonsense, but at the same time, it had to mean something.

Thorin Oakenshield and his companions had travelled through Mirkwood for a reason, a reason that was obviously to get to the mountain - that place who had once been their home before the dragon took it. It was the Dwarves' own fault, though, if they hadn't been so greedy maybe things would have been different now. They had stolen from Legolas' kin before, and for that, he loathed them just as much as any other Elf in his kingdom. But no one seemed to dislike them as much as his father Thranduíl, but Legolas had never understood why.

"Tauriel has gone," Legolas told his father, and Thranduíl turned his head toward him slightly. "I can bring her back."

Legolas knew that Thranduíl cared for Tauriel, he had taken care of her for many years since her parents died. Legolas planned to use this to his advantage for he knew that somewhere in his heart Thranduíl felt for the Elf-maiden. Even if he didn't, Legolas surely did because Tauriel was his friend and had been his companion for many years now. Tauriel was too irresponsible sometimes, though, and she had to learn what had to do with her and what did not. She could not save the entire world.

"You have two days," Thranduíl replied to his son.

"In two days, the last moon of autumn and the first sun of winter appear in the sky together," Legolas said thoughtfully, remembering something. These words he had read in an old book filled with prophecies. A Thranduíl had said that he only had two days to find Tauriel, it had to mean that he wanted them home before something happening on that same day.

"And the bells shall ring in Gladness at the Mountain King's return," Thranduíl said, and now it all made sense to Legolas. "But all shall fail in sadness, and a lake will shine and burn."

This was the prophecy that was written a long time ago, speaking of when the rightful heir to Durin's throne would reclaim Erebor again. This was what Thorin Oakenshield was attempting to do, but had he not heard the rest of the prophecy? Did they not know what it all would end in? Fire and darkness, that was what awaited them.

Legolas would like to think that Míriel did not know of this, otherwise, she would not have set the Dwarves free. The dragon would destroy anything in its way when the Dwarves awoke it from its long sleep. There was something in Legolas that wanted to stop all this from happening, but he knew it wasn't his place to do so. The flames could not reach Mirkwood and therefore it was none of his concern. He instead thought of Míriel, and that she wanted to go with him to find Tauriel.

Legolas worried about Míriel for he had seen her gift in actions, and how they had hurt her. It hurt him to see her as weak as she had been, but he did not know why. Yet at the same time, if she stayed in Thranduíl's palace he would eventually find out what she could do and Legolas feared what Thranduíl would do with her if he knew of her power. Thranduíl had been frightened by what the Orc had told him about the weapon the Orcs would use, and what better weapon to use against the Orcs than Míriel? No, Legolas wanted her far away from Thranduíl.

"Míriel would like to accompany me," Legolas said to break the silence. If Thranduíl said no, Legolas would have to convince him otherwise, because there was no way he was going without Míriel now that he had set his mind to it. "Can she?"

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now