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Míriel packed lightly and took only what she knew she would need such as food, weapon and a cloak. Adrenaline was rushing through her as she packed and she had never felt as ready to do something before. Míriel was going to leave Rivendell and the safety of its borders behind and travel on her own adventures without any guarantees of survival or safety. Everything had happened so quickly; the Dwarves told her that they were planning on leaving without Elrond noticing. This plan involved having Gandalf distracting him while the Dwarves snuck away right under his nose.

Míriel knew Elrond would be furious at her for leaving without consulting him first, especially on a quest that had nothing to do with her. Míriel had to take the chance, though, or she would regret it forever. It was her obligation to at least leave him word that she had not been kidnapped by the Dwarves, and hope to Elrond to understand her. The last thing Míriel wanted was for Elrond to set off right after them and bring her back. Therefore she wrote him a letter.

My dear uncle Elrond,

By now you must have noticed that I have left Imladris at the same time as the Dwarves of Thorin Oakenshield's company and Bilbo Baggins. I beg you not to follow me for this is something I need to do, not only for the Dwarves but for myself as well.

All my life has consisted of sitting in a quiet realm, Imladris or Lothlórien, and I am sorry to say that it has made me weary. I have long desired to go somewhere, on a real adventure for how else would I get to know these wonderful lands of Middle-earth? I have seen nothing but what my parents desired me to see and I now want to prove that I can do more than just sit. I know it is much to ask for you not to worry, but I promise you that I will try to take care of myself and return.

The Dwarves are nice and charming once you get to know them and they have all agreed to take me with them. I know that they were loyal to those who join their company.

All my love goes out to you, my grandparents and dear Arwen if you speak to her soon,

Lady Míriel Veryaniel of Lothlórien.

Míriel made her way out of Elrond's library when she a voice began speaking to her in the back of her head. She stopped walking abruptly and widened her eyes in fear until she recognised the soft, soothing voice speaking to her quietly until the voice became clearer. She had done this multiple times before, especially when Míriel had tried to go somewhere without her consent. This time she was more frightened than ever, though.

"You are leaving with them," Galadriel's voice whispered.

"Yes," Míriel answered and started hurrying to meet the Dwarves outside.

She was aware of Galadriel's duty to tell Elrond and it would happen soon for Míriel could sense that she was close. Míriel saw the Dwarves, ready to leave, who turned toward her curiously.

"When will we meet Gandalf?" Míriel asked.

"When we arrive in the mountains," Dwalin answered.

"My grandmother is here now," Míriel said and stared at them all, wondering if Thorin had told them about her and if they knew what Galadriel could do. "Lady Galadriel. She can enter people's minds; she already knows that we're leaving. We must hurry before others find out."

Her words made the Dwarves start to move fast, Míriel searched with her eyes for Thorin who refused to look at her, even though she had helped him with information. She wondered how long it would take before Thorin accepted her; if he would ever accept her that is. Míriel intended to devote herself completely to these Dwarves, even Thorin, and do anything to help them. She hoped Thorin would see that.

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now