The City of Dale

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Míriel and the Woodland Elf Beridan rode with the people of Lake-town toward the mountain and the city of Dale. There they would meet Elrond accompanied by Thranduíl and Gandalf. Míriel had not seen the Wizard for what seemed to be an eternity. She had feared that he'd been lost somewhere on the way when he travelled to the High Fells. Something must have happened to him since his mission had been to later meet the Dwarves by the mountain before they even entered, but now he waited in Dale instead.

Bard's youngest daughter Tilda was sitting in the saddle of Míriel's horse since the poor girl had been very tired of walking and Míriel had noticed her falling behind. The girl had been very grateful when Míriel offered Tilda her horse, and then her eyes had shone in such a sweet way. Míriel had never thought that a human child could be as sweet as Elven ones, but Tilda sure was.

"Tell me Beridan," Míriel said holding her horse by the reins. "Why is Elrond by the mountain when his daughter is so ill?"

"Lady Arwen is in Lothlórien with Lady Galadriel," Beridan said, not meeting her eyes "Elrond was delayed while travelling there for Thranduíl needed him. I expect that it has to do with the mountain and the Dwarves' treasure. Some jewels in there belong to Thranduíl and he wants them back. Anyway, I expect the King will be there already with Mithrandir and Lord Elrond. He sent me ahead to get to you and Prince Legolas, but since the Prince will not come, the King will be very displeased."

"Legolas did the right thing," Míriel said, but mostly to herself.

As soon as they arrived and met Lord Elrond, Míriel would leave for Lothlórien to see Arwen. Míriel had no desire to see King Thranduíl after his neglection of Tauriel who had done nothing wrong.

When finally they arrived in the city of Dale, a sigh of relief spread across the people. The city was not much for the eye for it had been destroyed by Smaug many years ago and now it was an abandoned ruin. Thranduíl nor Elrond or Gandalf were there yet which was frustrating since Míriel wanted to get going. She could not leave before seeing her uncle, though.

Míriel's bad conscience for the people of Lake-town also forced her to stay behind until she at least knew that they were going to turn out alright. It was partly her fault that they did not have a home anymore and therefore she had to help them as much as she could. Arwen would be well if it was true that she was in Lórien with Galadriel, which reassured Míriel slightly.

"Fire! Fire! Up here!" Alfrid cried out from a wall where he stood. "Look, Sire, the braziers are lit!"

Bard hurried up to him and Míriel followed, curious of what Alfrid was talking about. As she stopped next to the dragon slayer Bard, she realised that they were closer to the gates of Erebor than ever before. Míriel gasped for there was indeed a fire lit in there which could only mean that Thorin and her friends were safely inside. Another huge stone fell from her chest for Míriel had never have been certain that Thorin would have survived the dragon's wrath. To see that he had was a great relief.

"So, the company of Thorin Oakenshield survived after all," Bard said with a small smile.

"Survived?" Alfrid said and frowned at Bard. "You mean there's a bunch of Dwarves in there with all that gold?"

He had thought that the Dwarves had all been killed by the dragon, but Míriel had learned never to underestimate their skills both in battle and in strategy. They were smarter than they looked, and together they had tried to defeat the dragon. Míriel should have been angry that they tried, but there was nothing she could do now to change what had happened. For now, she should be happy that Thorin had reclaimed his home.

"I wouldn't worry, Alfrid," said Bard. "There's gold enough in that mountain for all."

He turned to his people and leant over the wall to speak to them all.

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now