Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

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The company rushed out of Goblin-town as fast as their legs could bare them. Gandalf kept to the back and let them exit the mountains before him, allowing them to finally reach the forest outside the mountain. They were in no hurry to stop running in case the Goblins were still pursuing them and because they desired to put as much distance as possible between the mountain and themselves. The Gobling King was at last dead, though it had not been a pretty sight when Gandalf sliced his stomach open.

Thorin Oakenshield's company stopped a safe distance away from the mountain at last, and Míriel glanced around her companions to see that they were well. Gandalf was attempting to count them all but found it difficult as they were moving aorund too much. From the look of it no Dwarf had been left behind.

"Five, six, seven, eight..." Gandalf mumbled to himself. "Bifur, Bofur. Fíli, Kíli, Bombur. Alright then, that makes thirteen. Now, where's Bilbo? Where's the old Hobbit? Where's our Hobbit?!"

Míriel made a count of her own, certain that Gandalf was mistaken in his counting. The thirteen Dwarves were all there but they were indeed short of a Hobbit. The Dwarves began looking amongst themselves and Gandalf frown displayed more and more worry. It soon became evident that they had lost Bilbo and that he could be anywhere between themselves and inside that foul mountain. Míriel sighed deeply and wished that they had kept a better eye on the Hobbit that so easily could disappear.

"Curse the halfling," Dwalin said and spat. Míriel would say the same, how could he have lost them? "Now he's lost. He was with Dori."

"Don't blame me!" said Dori.

No one did blame Dori though for Bilbo could've been gone long before they were even caught. Míriel last saw him when they were still in the cave, before they fell, and she couldn't recall seeing him when they stood in front of the Goblin King. He was so short that he could have slipped away easily, which Míriel hoped was the case because then he could still be alive, and maybe on his way to meet them up right at that moment.

"But where did you last see him?" Gandalf asked and his voice was filled with worry and desperation for answers.

"I think I saw him slip away when they first caught us," Nori said.

So, then he could've escaped long before them, but Míriel couldn't see how the Hobbit would've known where to go alone without Gandalf. He could still be in there, lost in the caves or perhaps already captured. They had to go back for him, no matter what risks there were. Bilbo was one of them, they were friends and companions and they did not leave friends behind. Míriel who was gentle when she strode around on her light feet, could go in after Bilbo, she would have a better chance spotting him with her keen eyes.

"But what happened exactly? Tell me!" Gandalf demanded.

"I'll tell you what happened," Thorin said and stood up from where he had been silently for the last couple of minutes. "Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He's thought of nothing else than his warm bed since first he stepped out of his door. We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone."

Of all the things Thorin had said during this journey, this was the absolute worst. The filth that came from this Dwarf's mouth disgusted Míriel and she would be silent no longer. Míriel was sick and tired of Thorin's constant bitter attitude toward everyone and everything. He showed distrust in one of his fellow company members, one that had been with him for very long now though he could have easily left them in Rivendell.

"What is your problem?" Míriel said and glared at Thorin. "Bilbo is gone and the first thing you assume is that he has left us? Has it occurred to you that we could've left him behind without noticing since he's so small? Maybe he hid somewhere! I just thought that as the leader of this company, you could give at least some credit and some trust in someone who has been with you since the start even though he has to put up with your whining all the time!"

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now