The Great Escape

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As soon as Míriel left Legolas she got to her senses since she knew that she had to forget that they had connected, even the slightest bit. Míriel was trying to orientate herself around the palace, looking for Bilbo at every corner. Without him, it would be quite hard to free the Dwarves from the dungeons. Bilbo was small and easily missed which was the sole reason that Míriel knew that he had escaped the Elven guard in the first place.

After an hour of searching, Míriel was close to giving up. The Hobbit was nowhere to be found and the doubts started creeping into Míriel. Perhaps Bilbo had not gotten into the palace at all and was still out there, alone and scared? Míriel sighed and started walking toward the dungeons, determined to try to free the Dwarves on her own, when she suddenly saw Bilbo's red little jacket.

"Bilbo!" she hissed and hurried toward him. Bilbo jumped and then looked at her with widened eyes. Míriel could've sworn that he wasn't there a second ago, but there he was, safe and sound without the slightest scratch. "I am so happy to see you!" Míriel saw keys to the dungeons hanging in his hand, and her eyes widened in shock. The Hobbit had stolen the keys. "How did you get those?"

"Long story," said Bilbo. Míriel didn't have time to question him more for Bilbo soon opened his mouth again, "Listen, I've found an escape way, it's through the cellar."

"Yes, I was there too!" Míriel whispered and started walking next to him, hiding him with her body in case a guard would come.

As they were making their way toward the dungeons Míriel realised something. She could no longer see herself following the company of Thorin Oakenshield, or more importantly - she could not see herself leaving the woodland realm. Something in her heart told her that she had to stay, that it was what she was meant to do. Míriel tried convincing herself that it was for the company's best that one should stay behind and distract the guards. Deep down she knew that her reasons were selfish, though, because it was not something but someone, which was keeping her behind.

"I had the Prince show me around and I think it's the best way to escape," Míriel said slowly to Bilbo. "We need to set all the Dwarves free, and then you must leave."

"Hang on a second," Bilbo said and stopped. "You said 'you' must leave. What about you? Míriel, you are coming with us."

"No, I am not, Bilbo," Míriel said and sighed, trying to think of what to say. "The King will let me leave when you are gone, I promise that I will try to find you, but for now I believe it would be for the best if I stayed behind. I can distract the guards for as long as possible and then... I don't understand it either, but I really need you to trust me on this, Bilbo."

Míriel knew that this was part of the truth, but not the whole of it. The real story was hidden deep within her heart, and she wasn't ready to say it yet. Míriel herself didn't even know what it was that as keeping her there. Something had changed in her and for some reason, she had matured. The days of being selfish were over and now she had to do what was best for all the Dwarves, even if that did not involve her.

"But..." Bilbo sighed and nodded slowly. "I'm going to miss you."

"So will I, Bilbo," Míriel said with a smile, her heart-warming at what he had just said. The mere thought of not seeing the Dwarves and Bilbo every day anymore hurt more than she would have imagined. Míriel had not completed her promise, but despite this, she knew that she would still support their cause from a distance.

"Now let's hurry."

They hurried down to the dungeons which were left unguarded still for some strange reason. It was easy for Bilbo and Míriel to sneak down quietly since most Elves were celebrating their annual feast. Ori's worried voice travelled all the way to the two companions, and they heard him saying that they probably never would get to the mountain.

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Dwarf - Book 1 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now