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I love you. I don't mean I love you the way I love my coffee, when it's my only source of energy while I'm studying late at night. I love you in a way I've never loved anyone before; I love you in a way that consumes me.

I have completely fallen for you for everything you do, everything you say and everything you are. You're my first thought in the morning, my last thought before I go to sleep, and you're almost every thought of mine in between.

You are so beautiful, both inside and outside, and it still comes as a shock to me to think that a girl like you would fall for a guy like me, even though we've been together for a while now.

I love you so much, and I wish I could say that to you in real life, but instead, I have to be a coward and write them in a letter instead. Mona, I want you to know that I'm hopelessly in love with you and I wouldn't trade you for the world.

With love from,

Marven Mace.

I complimented Marven's work once he showed me his beautifully written love letter for his girlfriend. He said I was merely flattering him for the sake of flattery, but I truly meant what I said. In a world where most teenage boys treat girls as an object of their pleasure, Marven truly is a gem.

I insisted that he wait no longer than a minute to show her his expression of words, but he requested me to deliver the letter instead for he was afraid of allowing a school authority member to catch his action, or more, what Ramona's reaction would be. Of course I couldn't reject a delicate pair of brown puppy eyes, and a soul filled with passion so as soon as the period ended, I searched my way for Ramona.

"Miss Deane, I've got a mail for you." I chuckled, tapping on my best friend's shoulder before waving the letter in front of her face.

"Let me guess, Marven Mace wrote a cheesy love letter to me."

"Give him a break; he's in love with you."

"I'm aware."

I could feel the coldness of her heart and it struck me in a state of confusion. All Ramona has ever talked about was to be loved, and now that the universe has blessed her with someone containing every quality a girl could ask for, why is she turning away from it? Could it be that she never got over Jay? Then again, the sound of his name no longer puts her in a melancholy state so what could it be that's stopping her from putting her all into this relationship?

And then the universe presented the answer in front of me.

A tall, athletically built student from our school's football team stood in front of Ramona, interrupting our conversation. He made a few reference from an internet game that Ramona once recommended me to play, which resulted in her giggling and acting the most feminine ways I'd ever seen her in. She slightly nudged his arm, as he brushed his straight black hair and rubbed his olive skin.

He was the entire opposite of Marven Mace.

Once the athlete, better known as Daelan Sampson exited the environment of my judgement, I turned to Ramona to ask her what the motion was about. She shrugged her shoulders indicating it was nothing and walked away, but I sped up to follow her to get to the bottom of it. She told me to relax, explaining Daelan was just a friend that she made over the summer when I was away for my family trip.

Apparently Aileen, a mutual friend had organized a batch hangout at the mall, and since I wasn't available to attend, Ramona sat alone by the food court listening to music. She initially didn't have the intention to even show up, but her parents thought she spent way too many hours indoor and needed to socialise. Seeing how isolated she was from the rest of the group, Daelan approached her and began talking about his obsession over an internet game, that Ramona so happen to be a fan of too. Once they had a common subject to discuss, their conversations elevated from that point.

Upon hearing her story, I became slightly more understanding but still accused her of flirting with Daelan. I questioned her whether Marven was present, to which she responded he was but he was engaged in conversations with other girls. In addition, he allowed them to take his last bit of cash to purchase drinks at their coffee shop and completely ignored the existence of Ramona.

I tried defending for Marven, stating he was perhaps shy at the beginning of a new relationship, but Ramona thought that would just be an excuse. She would prefer having Marven beside her, speaking no more than a sentence rather than witness him opening up to girls which were not her.

But for the record, if I were Ramona I would have been okay with it, for even though Marven is revolved by girls during the day, at night, I'll be the only one on his mind.

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