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ENDINGS ARE INEVITABLE. Whether you're the wealthiest or the most successful folk, your possessions are a dim fire under the threatening storm. However, the idea of a mournful end means differently for everyone.

For me, it isn't luxury that I am afraid would come to an end. It is relationships and the sense of familiarity. The unbreakable bond of a family, the intimacy maintained among companions and lastly, the accustomed feeling of home that a pair of foreign eyes and a thick accent provide me with.

He isn't just a crush, oh no, he is far beyond that. But I can't demolish what we built just upon some tingling sensations I get when he brush against me. Besides, I was certain when he glared at me; he saw the image of a mutual friend and not a lover. I could never be his lover; not when he's dating my best friend.

It's pathetic really; to yearn for the adoration of someone who looks at you like a sibling. I was after all, nothing more than just his lover's best friend. I was nothing more than a mere resemblance to her for him when she isn't around.

My contemplations were put to an end by Ramona's wining. "I'm not sure about this. Or maybe, I'm not ready for this. I don't think I need romance in my life right now, but then again, I'll still have that feeling of incompleteness in the pit of my stomach without it."

"I guess I'm a little at war with myself. Relationships are a lot of work and I don't want things to move too fast. I love Marven, but I don't know if I'm in love with him. Laurette, what do I do?" Ramona asked as she adjusted her French braids that draped brilliantly over her shoulders, complementing the Brazilian doll – like face she owned. It made sense; in a school of fine-looking girls, of course I wouldn't be the one to catch his eyes.

Ramona walked towards Marven, unsure about how she feels. The couple had made plans to meet behind the school cabin during recess to share their first kiss. They chose me as their guard – dog, ensuring no faculty member would catch them in the act. Perks of being in a Catholic School, am I right?

Ramona was apprehensive on whether Marven was worth it. Although she denies, I'm sure her ex Jay plays a large portion in being the reason behind the delayed kiss.

It started out as a harmless joke played by Ramona's cousin announcing that he has a crush on Ramona, (as her cousin once caught him staring at Ramona napping in the bus) and turned into actual feelings that everyone but Ramona knew about. Ramona's cousin, Emma was a fan of Jay's charisma, so she did what she could to create a moment between Ramona and Jay. She purposely pushed her into his arms when they were hanging by their community park, and as she planned, Jay embraced her into a hug that Ramona did not shy away from.

Being a love – struck, it didn't take Ramona long to text me and admit she had feelings for Jay, and soon the emptiness of my room was filled with the sound of my joyous laughter. It was truly a lovely thing to hear considering I no longer have to hear Ramona whine about her unrequited love situation. But in all honesty, I was contented knowing she received the love that she deserved. I was certain that their relationship would last all the way till the end of high school because everyone could see how in love Ramona was with Jay, but things took an unexpected turn.

During that year's Easter gathering, Jay's mother voiced that Jay was to leave town at the end of the semester, and start the new one in London. Although it was two months from that day, Ramona was already overwhelmed as she imagined he'd be her date to senior prom. I assured her that sometimes the universe might surprise us and shower us with fortunes while we weep over what we thought had been a loss.

She simply told me to stop showing off my vocabulary.

Though the two of them constantly talked about his planned departure, none of them perceived that the day would arrive so soon, and the most tragic part? His pre – pone flight and her phone battery's death, occurred at the same moment. Fate didn't permit them to say their goodbyes.

Jay worked on maintaining a long distance relationship, but was soon occupied with extra courses of his new school that paved his path for university. Ramona was consumed with the growing pressure of her family's expectations. They needed her to turn out exactly like her sister; successful in the medical field and restricted all source of entertainments from her. Jay and Ramona fought to be together, but the universe found its way to separate them. Knowing they don't have the supremacy to rebel against God's plan, they decided to break up.

She filled the days of his absence with great streams of tears, so devastating, as if the world has lost its beauty. She'd sit against the backboard of her bed, her phone hugged close to her chest waiting for a text from him that says he's returning, but deep down she knew she was waiting for something that wasn't going to happen soon.

Ramona's other friends, some of which I'm unfamiliar with, thought she was being impractical. They didn't believe such thing as true love was possible for anyone our age, and insisted on hooking her up with boys they knew were available. Ramona declined the offer because she knew no one could make her feel the way Jay did.

I may disagree with Ramona on various topics, but this was the one thing I completely agreed. Albeit I've been given several chances at love after my first heartbreak, I dared not to grasp them as I intend for my dramatic reunion with my ex gets fulfilled. Neptune, the first and only guy I've loved fell in love with another girl during our relationship, but in retrospect, I wasn't an ideal girlfriend either and I believe we can work things out and retrieve what we had.

I know that Neptune and I will get back together one day.

Three months later in the midst of our scorching summer break, Marven seized the opportunity of Ramona's availability and asked her out. He proclaimed his long term affection for her and promised he isn't going anywhere. He spoke about his interests in her ravishing brunette hair and her eyes which reflected the innermost spark of fragility and her lips which he found well - defined and inviting; he thought she was perfect. Marven believed that girls like Ramona didn't deserve to be abandoned with a broken heart, they deserved to be loved and he was going to love her more than Jay ever did.

Amused by his personality and the tenderness he radiated, she agreed to go out with him at the end of summer. He wasn't fearful of making an impression and she knew it in her bones that he was going to be the highlight of her sophomore year. She knew everything she was going to do from now on, will be revolved around him.

The moment the first fall sunrise arose from the earth's horizon, was the moment every student at our high school recognized Marven and Ramona as the new couple. Girls of our year envied Ramona for her incredible romance while they continued pursuing boys who'll never acknowledge their presence, and boys envied Marven for dating the girl of their dreams.

As for me, while on one hand, I enjoyed seeing my best friend finally making an attempt to embrace new love, on the other I too envied Ramona for having the life I thought I deserved.

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