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"YOUR'RE FINALLY HERE!" I exclaimed like an audience member at a K - pop concert upon Marven's arrival to our fake date.

Marven and I made plans to meet up earlier this week, and after days of 'my mom grounded me', 'I have no transport' and 'the weather isn't pleasant', we finally arranged a time for the two of us to meet and catch up. Not going to lie, when I imagined my grand reunions with my companions from Ironbury, I didn't expect Marven to be the first person I meet, but I'm glad he is.

The prior night, we unintentionally opened up about our unspoken feelings for each other. I tore down my facade and confessed I've had feelings for him from the time he was with Ramona till I met Wallace, to which he said he knew. I asked him why he didn't take any action upon it, because even a rejection would be better than leaving me in the unknown and he said he was afraid. He was afraid he'd lose me as a friend forever had he took a step forward, so he thought it was best to let go of me. Looking back, that was a wise choice because Wallace and I took a step ahead and now he's top on my social media block - list.

I know myself well, and I knew that if I didn't take the initiative to make the best out of the second chance the universe has blessed me with, I would forever live in hatred with myself. So I wore my thick skin and suggested we consider our 'hangout' the date we never had, to replace the emptiness and regrets we've been left with. I know him well too, and like I predicted, he agreed which brings us back to our date.

"I expected you to be taller." Marven teased. This is just like old times.

"And I expected you to be nicer but guess we can't always get what we hope for." I shot - back, holding back my grin as I took in his now more masculine features. Puberty did a great job on him.

"Come here." He demanded, stretching his arms as I closed the gap between us for a hug. His hug was still tender and comforting as I remembered; it felt nice to be in his embrace, even just for a moment.

"I have so much to tell you, I don't even know where to begin." Marven stated, rubbing his hands as he prepared the stories of his recent romances.

"How about you start from the beginning?"


We exited the mall after we had lunch, strolling by the beach under the fresh taste of summer. I tried to make light - hearted flirting remarks by suggesting the walk was too romantic for my taste, but he simply said that friends take walks by the beach too so guess I'm never making a flirty attempt again.

"So Laurette, how are things with you and Wallace? Have you contacted him recently?"

"No, I actually haven't spoken to him since the breakup. I don't think anyone could make small talks after the person they love announce they're in love with their best friend."

"He told you he liked Ramona? Like personally?"

"Yes, but that wasn't all. He spoke about how adorable her smile was and how caring of a person she was. And that still wasn't the worse part. The worst was he revealed all that three days after our breakup. After our one year together."

"No way! I never took him as a heart breaker."

"Well, people always take you by surprise. I mean, I was surprised when I heard you begun dating Aileen, given you've been rejecting her for two years straight. As I recall, she was in love with you way before you ever got together with Ramona."

"Yeah, I'm still shocked that I said yes to dating her. I really wish I hadn't because she broke my heart multiple times. I mean, who in their right mind tells their boyfriend that they have a crush on another guy and wants to be with them but also don't want to breakup? It's idiotic."

"Guess who's winning ex of the year!" I chanted. "I really thought you guys would have lasted, especially after seeing your prom pictures. I was rooting for her."

"Me too. I didn't even want to show up for prom honestly, but seeing how excited she was for it, I went out of my way to buy her the prettiest corsage and headpiece. I thought she was worth pretty things, but really, you can't be pretty when you have an ugly personality."

"I agree, but it sucks that I can relate to both of you. I know how it hurts when the person you'll do anything for betrays you, but I also know a little about liking someone you cannot be with while being loved by someone you're losing feelings for. Maybe that's why I don't hate Wallace for liking my best friend, because I've had lingering feelings for Neptune throughout our relationship."


"We such at this relationship thing, don't we?"

"We most certainly do."

"Glad we never got into one with each other." I remarked, our laughters rose in unison. "Oh my gosh, all this prom talks made me remember a pact we made in eighth grade."

"We did? What was it?"

"We promised each other that if we're both single by prom, we'll go as each other's dates. But well, I left school. And even if I didn't, you were in a relationship and I probably would have still been with Wallace."

"You can't be sure of that. Wallace may have fallen for Ramona anyways."

"I don't think so. As much as I've badmouthed about him last year, I feel the major reason he developed a crush on her was because of her resemblance to me. Maybe he was just into the parts of her that reminded him of me."

"Umm, sure, whatever you say. But I still believe if you had stayed and reminded me of our pact, we would have gone together."

"You know what Marven? Let's renew our pact."

"Okay, what do you have in mind?"

"If we meet in our forty's and we're both still single, let's get married. After all, we do have a mutual attraction and our personalities complement each other."

"Alright, I'm sold! But Laurette, do you think you can still fall in love with me in twenty years?"

"Maybe, probably.."

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