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SHE CONTINUED HER story regarding her feelings for the boys. "I know. Being in a relationship with Marven is torturing both of us so when I told Daelan about it, he helped me practice breaking up with Marven."


"You know how I do things without a plan; the consequences are always a disaster."

"Or deep down you wanted Daelan to know that the window of opportunity is open for him, because it's clear that you're in love with Daelan."

And then she continued her story of her feelings for Daelan. She sees Daelan as someone who accepts everything that happens in life, because he has already been put through so much. Mona found him fascinating; one moment he would be wrestling his friends to the ground and the next moment he'll be tearing up over an animated movie, and talking about how adorable his puppies are.

They have the same taste in music, movies, drinks and shares equal hatred towards books. He knows her order without her even telling, and she knows what goes in his mind without him saying a word.

Since day one that she met him at Aileen's party, she thought he was indeed, fine looking. The way his eyes lit up when she calls his name, or the way those olive kissed skin lifts up when he laughs; she found all that attractive, and she believes that there's a lot more to Daelan than what her eyes see.

Then she asked me a question that seemed to be a sign from above, for me to abandon my loneliness and self loathe and even a chance to start my own romance.

She asked, "Laurette, who do you think I should choose?"

I couldn't do it. I couldn't go against my better judgment and persuade her to choose Daelan. I couldn't lie that Daelan was the right choice because he wasn't; she may have thought he's changed but I believed that the cores of our nature remained the same. I knew he wouldn't cherish her, the way Marven did, so I spoke the truth.

I reminded her that Marven was the person who made her laugh when she thought it was impossible to smile again; he was the person who looked at her with admiration in his eyes when Daelan's were merely clouded by lust.

She sighed, stating if she knew perfection came with obstacles, she'd prefer to be mediocre. I confessed that I'd choose the opposite because my mediocre life wasn't any better. While she had two guys who would go to the ends of the earth for her, I had the ghost of my past relationship still haunting my every dream.

If we were in an animated film, this would certainly be the part where a light bulb goes over her head because that's when she acclaimed she just had the greatest thought ever.

She thought Marven and I would be a good match.

Although she never noticed much of what he did, she was aware of his abundant love towards Literature and knew I was too, a geek when it came to prose of famous writers. She recalled his pick - up lines which she pretended to enjoy, and my fascination with a play on words. She knew he found my company soothing, and I found amusement in his.

She knew his mind was filled with suspicions, and I gave great assurance. She revealed that she's observed it for a while and discovered that I don't usually behave like a lady towards other boys, but with Marven, I never fail to present the best version of myself.

"Okay, stop right there." I ordered. "He's still your boyfriend. Don't promote him like a used product."

As much as I enjoyed hearing her speak about how I wasn't the only one who thought Marven and I made a better match, I thought Marven didn't deserve to be talked about like a second handed product by someone he loved.

Come to think of it, she wasn't the only other person who thought so. Because of how Marven and I usually exit the class together, and wait for Ramona by the benches, several freshmen thought the two of us made a better pair.

Whenever the three of us would walk around our soccer field, Ramona would be the one trailing behind us (due to her hatred for long walks) and she could have been easily mistaken for the third wheel. Some seniors even went as far as to asking Marven whether he was dating both of us or if their relationship was polygamous; that always put us in an awkward state.

What's worst was that even our mutual friends agree. They'd make me promise not to uncover to Ramona what they truly thought, and confess they see a deeper connection between Marven and I.

Our conversation ended once we were shook back to reality by the call of our teachers. As soon as Ramona left to her class, a rush of guilt and insincerity ran over me. She has unraveled every secret of hers to me, while I was still hiding the fact that I Laurette Luna, indeed has fallen in love with my best friend's boyfriend Marven Mace.

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