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I WAS STRUGGLING with my trigonometry homework when I received a call from Ramona. We never said a proper goodbye before the holidays so I wasn't expecting her to reach out during our break, or even after school returns for that matter. From my side, I was sure we drifted apart (once I became aware that she overheard whispers of my affection for Marven) and I even found new friendships in Regina and Rachel from our debate club.

Ramona began the call by a loud screech and a string of scattered words. I was able to put the bits together and understood that her and Daelan are no longer on speaking terms as he failed to provide her an explanation for his intimacy with Harriett, and even asked Harriett to be his girlfriend.

Ramona continued by reassuring my worst fear; she came to her senses and sees Marven was the better choice all along. She apologized to him and he said though he said harsh things about her, he never stopped loving her and asked for a second chance.

I didn't understand.

It was as if my brain short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. Around me, everything was swift while I was motionless in the middle of it all. Has he just forgotten about all the moments between us? I could have sworn we were on the verge of dating.

She was touched by his words, giving him a glint of hope that somewhere, in the corner of her heart, she never stopped loving him too. He confessed it was her that he wanted to take to the annual Halloween party and instantly, I got this urge of wanting to lay still. The following feelings varied, at first it was a gut wrenchingly all - consuming sense of pain and loss that really made me want to scream and rage, but that gave way to a far more awful dull emptiness and a sense of there being a large hole near the center of my being.

"I really love him Laurette, and I think this time, we're going to be happy together." Ramona continued, almost as if she was seeking for my permission.

"Then never let go off him."

"I wouldn't dare to."

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