Chapter 8: Here She Is

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Alex Brooke, the all so amazing best friend wakes me up jumping on my bed on a bright sunny morning.
Mavis Dave was rurally yanked out of her yet another fantasy dream by her best friend. Eyes which had been cornily described as china-blue blinked into focus the girl standing now in front of the king sized mirror. Her face was drawn into a frown as affectionate and tolerant as it was disapproving.
"Another Prince Charming dreams, eh?....." She shook her index finger at me. "Oh.... Prince Harry I mean. At least million years away."
"I was not." My cheeks were warm with embarrassment over having been caught fantasising. I feared that my preceptive friend wasn't fooled.
I got out of bed rubbing my eyes and walked to the washroom to avoid conversation as I knew that Alex hated Harry and she was trying all she could for me to forget him and move on. I was 18 and my life sucked.
I dressed up and we drove to, one of my summer time job, a boutique at one of the famous seven stars. Once in the shop by the paned-glass bay window an elegant lobby of The Hotel Caravan could be seen. It was crawling with people mostly men, who were either waiting to check out or check in. With few exceptions they were travelling businessmen who were uniformly dressed in varying shades of dark wool worsted. Most carried leather attache cases and trench coats. They all seemed to be under a deadline and wore similar anxiety-ridden expressions.
I rearranged a stack of papers in the glass showcase as I knew why Alex came all the way from Sevilla to Bunol. Our conversation about Harry had to start somehow. Alex dropped down onto one of the high, velvet-cushioned stools right next to where I stood. The stool had a lacy white wrought-iron back. Alex stacked her hands on the crest of it and gazed at me.
"Mavi...I know you're upset. I need to know what you're thinking in there." She looked at me expecting a response.
"Well... I'm all ears."
I stayed hushed. No matter how this conversation started it is going to end with a discussion about my love life.... Or lack of one.
Our differences in personalities and philosophy reflected in our appearances. She was blonde, well I was kind-of a brunette. My hair were finer and straighter than Alex's. Her features were more voluptuous while mine were delicately drawn. Both of us had blue eyes, but mine were as serene as a country pond while Alex's were as restless as the North Atlantic.
I would have felt comfortable dressing out of a Victorian lady's armoire. Alex went for the most avant garde fashions. I was cautious and studious and I would carefully weigh the potential consequence before taking the first step onto unfamiliar ground. Alex had always been the impetuous, aggressive one. And that was why she felt free to be outspoken about my personal life.
"Okay, look. I know you loved Harry. It was a storybook all the way. College sweethearts. One soda, two straws. Your love affair with him was so damn sweet it was sickening. But he's gone, Mavis."
She reached across the counter and took my hand, pressing it between hers.
"He was too down-to-Earth to let you go," She went on. "He couldn't get this one thing straight that you guys are different, that you belonged to a different world. He was way bellow your status Mavi. People make mistakes, you must've too. You aren't God. I could see that love sparkling in your eyes, couldn't he? Is he a jack-ass?"
Tears rolled out of my eyes, "I cheated on him, Alex." I managed to speak out of the lump in my throat. I forgot my meanings, our meanings of love. His face flashed infront of me and I bursted into tears after a month of pretending. Julie, mom, grandma, dad, Drake and Jamie. I was trying so hard to pretend but Alex was just one of those friends who would always give me her shoulder to cry on.
People say love hurts, they say its beautiful. Well it might sting a little buy then every precious thing is worth a shot.... Fairytales were always something I believed in. I know exactly what love is now. I still believe that true love always finds it's way back no matter how much things seem screwed up.
Things vary, people change... Thoughts, smiled, love. No wonder why people don't trust each other. Worshippers or non-worshippers, if the time runs out it never comes back. Love hurts whether its right or wrong. The worst pain is when the person who loves you is the one who makes you cry. Who ignores you. He be the most important person for you, you dress up for him, smile for him. His presence, his warmth, his eyes.... The love of my life standing right next to me, smiling at all others but me Harry right infront of me in one of those wanders. One of those businessmen. Ignoring me.... Giving sighs of arrogance. I miss you... I love you and every minute. Your absence and your ignorance kills me. The thing we had is gone. Its empty, hollow love 'so-called'.
I rushed out of the shop towards him, tears in my eyes blinding me and out of nowhere I hugged him as tightly as I could not caring what people would think or what this would cause me if he goes away.
"I'm sorry.... Harry, I Love You.... I'm Sorry."

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