The Pass of Caradhras

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Your entire body tensed under Aragorn's weight. You could hardly breathe you were so stunned. A bit of panic began to arise in your gut, making you tremble ever so gently. What were you supposed to do?! He was so close, so warm. For a moment you soaked in his presence. Your eyes studying every inch of his face. As they trailed down to his chin, the bright shine of the evenstar dangling around his neck caught your attention. A sickening feeling spread through your innards at the memory of Arwen. Aragorn was deeply in love with her, and her with him.

Shaking yourself out of it, you squirmed beneath him, trying to regain your personal space. Aragorn rolled off you, attempting to do the same. Before you could get to your feet, Legolas shouted from his place atop the boulders, "Crebain, from Dunland!"

Looking frantically around for whatever the danger was, your sight was placed on a black swarming mass in the distance. Finally brought back to his senses, Aragorn scrambled to his feet to grab everyone's possessions, "Hide! Hurry, take cover!" Tossing them under an outcrop, he came back to grab your arm and pull you to your feet. Everyone began to hide among the rocks, dousing the campfire and covering their weapons among the brush. Shoving you beneath the boulder, Aragorn shuffled in beside you, pressing the two of you against the back of the rock so you might not be seen. Being so close to the ranger again, made your temperature rise and thoughts unravel, until you heard the harsh caws of great birds. You held your breath as a multitude of enormous black ravens swarmed around the area you had previously sat, searching for some sign of life. What felt like an hour was merely moments until the flutter of many wings lifted and faded into the distance. Peeking out form under the boulder, Aragorn gave the signal that the coast was clear. Crawling out and brushing the dust from your knees, you looked back to see the Crebain forming a horrible dull shape in the distance. Like the dark shadow of a beast from your nightmares, they moved against the wind to disappear over the boulders.

Gandalf breathed heavily, clearly disturbed by their presence, "Spies of Saruman... The path south is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras!"

Glancing up towards the misty mountains, and seeing their glistening white crowns, dread immediately filled your mind. Something about that mountain did not sit well with you.

The air grew steadily thinner, and dropped in temperature as Gandalf took you higher and higher into the mountains. Your rate of travel had grow slower with the deepening snow, and you were never more thankful for your boots than now. With every step, your feet sank into the powder up to your knees. You kept to the lead near Gandalf and Sam, feeling a bit uneasy in Aragorn's presence. It was hard to look him in the eye the next few days. Eye contact meant trust. Trusting that the other party would not wound the bit of your soul you were allowing them to see. Knowing that your soul was not going to be accepted by his love, you avoided his gaze until those strange feelings dissipated. They didn't completely disappear, but it was enough to remember your friendship, and try to feel normal again.

Thankfully your thoughts were much more occupied on your current lessons. Because you traveled beside Gandalf, he would continually teach and quiz you on the power of light magic. Illumination and the shield of the Istari were your basic challenges. The two easiest to master and the most helpful when in need. The only downfall in learning these tricks was the very thing you lacked. A staff.

"A wizard's power lies in his, or her, staff. It is the source of our magic, but our strength," Smiling with bright eyes, he pointing at your heart, "...comes from within. Here," He handed you his staff of rough wood, "Use this to practice with for now."

"So... When do I get my own?" You asked.

"All in good time, ____."

You sighed, pouting a bit in your impatience when a though suddenly crossed your mind, "Wait... Not just anyone can be a wizard. So how could you just 'decide' to train me in the ways of the Istari?"

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