Deeper And Deeper

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Your steps fell heavily over the cobblestone of Helm's Deep, but you didn't feel or hear them... Everything had been dulled. The sounds muffled, your sight blurred and far away, the stench of horse and men just a thin odor. You were a million miles away, in some other world observing the actions of this cursed young woman.

"____. What was it like? Did you-" She paused, noticing your distress, "Is everything alright?... Lord Aragorn. Where is he?"

You glanced away, a lump forming in your throat, "He didn't make it..." You murmured, having to force yourself to speak them.

Neither Eowyn or you knew how to respond to the news, so you slowly turned away to find a place to sleep. It had been a long and intense day, and all you wanted to do was escape from it for a while. Walking around the fortress for a while, you finally spotted a place inside where nobody was gathering. It was out of sight, dry and silent. You made a small nook out of the supplies around you, laying a couple blankets down before you nestled in.

Tugging the edge of the blanket over your shoulder, and pulling your knees up near your chest, you slowly got more comfortable. You lay there for a long time, staring at the inscription on the scabbard of Bellhûn and your staff. Memories began to flood your mind, along with worries about the future... and the grief of the present.

You finally let it all out. The anger, the fear, the grief... Streams of salty tears stained your cheeks and soaked your hair. It had taken a while to accept Aragorn's death, no matter how much you tried to avoid it. Now it came out in choking sobs when you remembered how tenderly he looked after you... Ever since your first days in Middle-Earth when answers were scarce, and the wilderness cold in confusion. He was there. You took him for granted, making it seem like you didn't care about all he'd done for you. Oh, how you wished you could take all of it back! To hear his voice singing softly to you... one last time.

Ever so slowly, fading into exhaustion, your sobs quieted to mere shaky breaths. Your eyes felt swollen and sore, and every inch of your face tight from the dried salt. A deep darkness been to engulf you, wrapping you up in a warm, tight blanket of protection. Sleep lulled you forward, promising you comfort if you simply gave in... and without much hesitation... you did.

Your dark vision shifted and morphed into something brighter. Something cooler, refreshing and peaceful. An open clearing, surrounded by trees and bathed in silvery moonlight stood before you. At the opposite end a small figure you recognized immediately turned to face you.

"Frodo!" You called as you ran to him.

The hobbit's bright cerulean eyes shone in recognition, "____!"

You fell to your knees and embraced him, holding him tighter than ever. It had been a while since you visited this dream place, and you weren't even sure how to control it, but it seemed to appear when you needed it most.

Frodo murmured into the crook of your neck, "I've missed you so much! So so much..."

You held him tighter, trying to keep your tears from spilling over him. You needed to tell him what happened. You needed someone to share this with, "Frodo..."

Frodo pulled away before you could get any words out, "____, I'm loosing. I'm loosing this battle and I don't know what to do." He hung his head, almost in shame for admitting it so freely, but looked back up at you, eyes glazed in fear and dread, "It's so heavy... The only thing I think about. The only thing I want other than you... It's taking me... I don't know if I can do it, ____. I can't throw it in! Not while you're bound to it!"

"Frodo you must!" You gripped his shoulders, a single tear escaping your eye. You knew this wasn't the right time to tell him about Aragorn. He needed every bit of hope you could give him, real or not, "We both know what the world will be if you don't," You smiled gently, tucking a stray curl behind his ear, "Don't worry about me... Gandalf will find a way to help." You weren't sure if that was the truth, but right now the truth wasn't something Frodo needed. He needed hope, and sometimes that meant being dishonest.

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