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Sleep, if it could be called that, spotted with anxiety and periods of intense exhaustion kept you feverish most of the night. Every bit of your body throbbed from the bruises and cuts from the Uruk-hai. Your mind wandered when it could to the hobbits. To Merry and Pippin, lost or dead somewhere in Fangorn. Then to Frodo and Sam, wandering the wilderness between here and Mordor and could be sharing the same fate as his cousins, you really didn't want to think of the later...

Finally managing to doze off without the interruption of the Enemy, your body grew warm and heavy, floating in blackness before something warm and soft settled on your forehead. In a daze, your eyes fluttered open to a collage of blurry figures and hushed tones... strangely familiar, but not like Sauron... Kinder, quieter...

Your vision cleared and your heart swelled with joy, "Aragorn... Legolas! Gimli! Nildu nîn!"* Each one of your friends hovered around your bed as you tried to sit up.

Legolas reached out to keep you down, "Be still," He commanded in a soft tone, "Eomer told us what you'd been through."

"Ai, Lass. You're lucky you're alive." Gimli pointed out your state, and smiled, "And we are glad to find you all in one piece!"

"How did you find me?" Your voice cracked as you smiled.

Aragorn gestured behind him to the Rohirrim's captain, "Eomer came across us in our search. He brought us to you."

Your eyes darted to the captain at the back of the tent, his arms crossed. As your eyes met a faint smile spread over his face. You bit your lip in memory of a question, "And... Merry, Pippin?"

At your inquiry, Eomer's eyes dropped, "Still missing..."

The answer wrapped a stone around your heart and dragged it down. It'd been too long since they went missing, and you were growing more anxious by the minute. Silence took over the tent as everyone thought the same thing, worried for their safety.

Aragorn sighed, "We will find them, ____. Tomorrow we will head into Fangorn... Which is why we should let you rest..."

The sudden change in subject made you more alert, and you pouted, "But I can't even sleep... I-I'm not tired," Yeah, right! You were still exhausted, but your fear was keeping you awake. But how could you tell them that?

"Even so, you need all of your strength for tomorrow."

You pursed your lips in annoyance, thinking about ways to get you healed faster and wondering if you had enough strength to close your wounds, like you did with Pippin in Moria.

For Aragorn, Legolas, and Eomer:

As the company stood and began to shuffle outside, you suddenly found the need for companionship. You didn't really want to be left alone again, "No, please, (g/n) can you stay?" You pleaded to him.

He looked at the others, a bit surprised at first until a small smile crept into the corners of his mouth, "Yes, I will."

For Frodo:

Without much discussion, the company stood with a kiss to two on your forehead before shuffling outside and leaving you alone once more. You sighed and felt impatience gnaw at you. Being bed-ridden wasn't really your thing, especially when there were more important things going on outside of this tent! Pulling your blankets aside to get a good look at your wounds, your mouth contorted in disgust. You were pretty much one big mess of black and blue with accents of red. The small cuts you could deal with, but the big ones on your thigh and shoulder had to go!

Hesitant at first, you hovered your hands over the wound on your leg, closing your eyes to try and focus all your energy into it. At first nothing happened, which got you frustrated, so you tried again, this time feeling the sting of the skin pulling back together. It was indeed painful, but so much more satisfying to see a small paper cut there instead of a gash. Satisfied with the results you moved around to try and find the worst ones, practically making them disappear.

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