The Enemy Within

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Your eyes fluttered open, strangely surprised when all you saw was blackness. Exhaustion gripped your limbs as you floated through a dim haze. Faint noises of battle, and the whinny's of horses reached your ears, making it all the more confusing to figure out if you were asleep or awake. You flinched when your feet suddenly touched a surface, letting you balance yourself on your own. That usually didn't happen in a dream... What happened to you? Where... where were you headed and why?

That was when you felt it. Heat. Unbearable heat like the opening of an oven door blasted into your face, scorching your skin. It seemed to suck all the life from you, drying out your mouth and making the air heavy in your lungs. A figure, more like a shadow, began to form before you, taking shape with every step he took. Something ominous started to grow inside of you at the anticipation of who it might be, until the darkness lifted ever so slightly to reveal a barren land of broken, scalded rock and illuminated the figure in the light of an unknown fire.

In an instant you knew who it was. Sauron approached you silently, a towering figure of pale skin and jet black hair, stopping a few feet in front of you to clasp his hands in front of him. You've only ever saw him as the great eye, which was frightening enough. But something about him taking a physical form, a form of power and beauty made you tremble before him. It was a strange thought to have while in the presence of the Dark Lord, but you could have sworn he only had four fingers on one of his hands, recalling the tale of Isildur and how he had sliced the ring from Sauron's finger.

"Gi Suilon, Úsahtiel nin*..." his first utterance in the sweet language of Legolas. The language you craved to hear the elvish prince whisper to you coming from the mouth of the Dark Lord. Usually it never mattered to you who spoke Sindarian, it gave them a soft charm, but to hear the words from the Enemy, it made them crawl over your skin like spiders. It scared the heart out of you, and he grinned, "That's right. I haven't completely abandoned the tongue of the elves. Av-'osto."*

Sauron could clearly see the disdain you had for his speech, taking a step closer to you with a sneer, "You don't enjoy those words? Dru lat dafar-izg gashn u lat-ishi alag gujab ob Mordor?!"* he hissed in your ear, pressing his body against your shoulder, "Lak-izgu thauk lat nenhakal-izish kakok hol udh!"* his voice drove a spear of terror through your heart and he knew it.

It wasn't until then, when you tried to force yourself away from him with a threat that you realized you had no control over this situation. You were unable to move, unable to speak, unable to lash out and defend yourself. Somehow he was controlling your impulses. You were at the whims of his every action. Your heart nearly thumped out of our chest and beads of sweat began to form on your brow. Every bit of your body was in flight or fight mode and you couldn't even utilize it.

Sauron let out a satisfied sigh as he pulled away to circle you, letting his fingers drag over your waist as he did. All of your muscles tensed when he gripped your shoulders from behind, pulling back your hair to graze his lips over your neck, "Mmm... I've never tasted my power on a woman before. The effect is quite enticing," he chuckled before nipping at your jaw line, clearly enjoying the power he had over you, lowering his voice to little more than a whisper, "So long have I ached to get near to you. To dive fully into your mind. But your... teachings made meeting you face to face a bit more difficult. I just had to find the crack in your conscious, and now I have..."

Before he could do it again, you summoned every bit of your strength and focused it into his touch, making your skin burn red hot.

"Agh!" Sauron immediately released you, his eyes flashing a fiery red as he backed away, "I see you have some remnant of strength left. But it's a small matter..." a sinister smile slowly spread across his features, "That power you used just now was not of the Maiar. It was mine," he lunged in to squeeze your jaw like a vice, making your heart jump, "Lat kul-izub!"* he slipped his mouth onto yours, sucking and biting at your lips. Forcing his tongue into your mouth to curl over yours, it became the roughest kiss you ever had! The force of it would have knocked you back if he wasn't holding you against him. You wanted to scream, to push yourself away, to blast him back with your power...

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