The Breaking of The Fellowship

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 "Aragorn! Frodo!" You cried out in desperation against the open woodland, hoping to find some sign of your friends. As you raced up the knotted hill, the sounds of battle grew in ferocity, making your stomach tighten with fluttering nerves. Where are they?! Your mind panicked at the thought of everyone struggling in battle and you weren't there to help. Taking giant strides towards the echoes of clashing metal, you ran through the list of spells inside your head, trying to recall one of them to prepare yourself. To your relief, a small cloaked figure was scrambling down the hill towards you, trying to maintain his balance, "Frodo!"

In a frenzied panic, the hobbit raced into you, "Shh!!" Gripping your arm, he dragged you back behind the roots of a large tree.

You were about to question his actions, until you heard loud grunting and grumbling, followed by heavy footsteps coming your way. You didn't dare breathe as the giant monstrosities covered in barbaric armor thundered past. They weren't orcs, you were sure of it! Each one bore a white handprint on their person, marking their allegiance. Either way, you knew they were searching for Frodo. You let out a long breath when they disappeared into the woods, looking around to see Merry and Pippin hiding inside a hollow log.

"Come on! Hide over here!" You stood to pull Frodo over to hide with his cousins.

"No! ____..." He immediately pulled you back down beside him, "I can't."

Your brow furrowed in confusion, trying to decipher his motives, "What do you mean? Of course you can! Frodo, I have to protect you in Gandalf's absence!" You spoke your line of crazy thoughts, finally catching the look of guilt in his eyes and understanding, "You're not leaving?!" You started to panic internally at the idea, "No. No, you can't!"

"____! I have to!"

"Then I'm coming with you!" You refuted almost immediately.

"No!" His voice rose in a harsh command, startling you a bit. Sighing, he took your hands and held them tight, "I have to do this alone... You must understand!"

A wave of emotion hit you as you began to process it, threatening to spill the tears building up behind your eyes, "I can't leave you!"

"You must! The ring will only make it harder for you the closer you are to it... Take care of the others..." Your face began to crumple at his goodbye, letting loose a couple of tears. Frodo's hands moved up to wipe them away, pulling your gaze into his cerulean soul and placing a soft kiss on your forehead to melt your heart, "I will see you again!"

Before you could answer, a chorus of deep-throated roars echoed behind you. Stubbornly acquiescing his command, you stood and scrambled out into the open, "Go... go!" Waving and yelling at the line of beasts, you hoped it would give Frodo the opportunity to get away safely, "Oi! Over here you ugly freaks!"

Merry and Pippin caught on to your scheme, jumping out of the log to yell offenses and serpentine through the trees. Your eyes widened when you realize they were going much faster than you had anticipated, catching up to you with ease. At least you were leading them away from Frodo, who you briefly saw disappear towards the lake. Your heart fell to the floor, praying that this wouldn't be the last time you saw him.

"It's working!" Pippin called out, almost excited.

You ran into him, shoving him forward at a faster pace, "I know it's working! Run!"

Despite your best efforts, the woodland floor tried it's best to slow you down, placing tree roots and uneven ground wherever you stepped. More than once, you feared for your life when you tripped and stumbled over the terrain. Your heart thumped wildly in your chest at the sight of the dark figures appearing before you, surrounding you on every side. You drew Bellhûn and braced your staff, prepared to fight off anything coming into your space. One of them charged your right flank, succeeding only in becoming impaled by your sword. Out of the corner of your eye, a glimpse of a giant beast towering over you with a battle axe shook you to your core as it prepared to drive the metal into your skull. Rising your staff in defense of your demise, the sharp clang of metal startled you just as Boromir raced from the woods to your defense.

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