Church of Cibus

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"For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come" ~ 1 Corinthians 11:26

"Jason, why is Abraham such an asshat?" I asked.

We were in the black minivan on our way to Church. I still don't want to go, but I'll go because I need to meet some new people so I don't stay cooped up at my house all summer. I don't have a job like Lucy (I hate working; and who would hire a Zombie fanatic like me?).

Jason laughed at my question while Mary giggled uncontrollably. Lucy blushed at the way Jason's laughed sounded like the twinkling of bells in a church choir, then turned around and slapped me on my leg from her passenger side seat.

I gave her a 'what' look; to which she smirked and rolled her eyes at me.

I didn't really find that question funny- I was just wondering, honestly, why Abraham acted like such a douche. He stared at me the entire time, while I was in my own home! I don't see how someone like him, could run a Church but I guess looks can be deceiving.

I internally scoffed. I bet he thought I would bow down like he was Jesus Christ.

Well, he needs a reality check, because he's another human being- just like me.

"Maybe, it's because you address him by his first name" Lucy suggested.

"Well, I did that with Grace and she didn't seem to mind" I countered.

"Everybody's different, Sarah" Mary added, in a sing-song voice.

"Maybe he hates me" I threw into our cloud of suggestions.

"No, that's not it" Jason said, as he turned into a church parking lot. He pulled into a parking space and turned off the car. He turned around to Mary and I, as Lucy followed suit.

"How I see it, he just doesn't know when if to trust you yet. He could see you as a change in society around here, Sarah" Jason said.

"I don't know why- I'm too lazy to blink sometimes" I shrugged. Mary giggled while Jason and Lucy shook their heads- but with a smile on their faces.

"Sarah, you came off as a rebel when I first met you" Mary added. I gave her a shocked expression and Mary nodded in return.

"Jason, did you get that feeling impression too?" I asked.

"Not at first. But after hearing you talk about to my dad like he was a child; the word 'Rebel' was written all over your face. No one talks to my dad like that; well no one but my mom" He said with his eyebrows raised.

"Well, he doesn't own me. I respect my elders like every other kid does, but not someone who stares at me like I'm a multicolored grape" I said opening the sliding doors to the car.

I heard a chuckle from Mary and Lucy mumbled something as I walked towards the front of the church. I waited for them as Mary ran towards me; but I saw Jason help Lucy out the car and hold her hand as they walked toward Mary and me.

This relationship escalated quickly.

Lucy stopped, suddenly, as she saw the name of the Church on a small sign in the yard that was advertising a party later this week.

"Church of Cibus?" she asked. "What does 'Cibus' mean?" Lucy turned around to Jason, but I felt the question directed at me.

"I think it means 'God's followers' in Latin" Jason answered as he put a pointer finger to his chin. I looked to Mary for confirmation and she just shrugged.

"Sarah, you took Latin classes. What does 'Cibus' mean?" Lucy turned and put all her attention on me.

I crossed my arms and thought hard enough to have smoke come out of my ears. I mean, I did take Latin and German classes at one point in my life; but who actually remembers that stuff over a three year period?

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