Abraham vs. Sarah

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"If you will not listen to the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the command of the LORD, then the hand of the LORD will be against you, as it was against your fathers" ~ 1 Samuels 12:15

"Maybe, Abraham has some kind of weapon that can bust me out of here" I rummaged through the cabinets and tried to find something that could help me. I saw a chainsaw and the sharp part had chunks of flesh and continuous pieces of skin dangling off of it. I swallowed my gagging reflex and tossed it to the right of me.

Flinching at the sound of the saw clawing at the ground, I mentally punched myself.

Don't forget that Bonnie and Clyde are in the next room, doofus.

After counting to fifty, I continued my search.

I looked in the cabinets and saw this curved tool with a snake's tongue. It had minimal blood but looked better than most of the object that turned the inside of the cabinets scarlet.

It was a crowbar.

I could use it to pry the door open.

I pulled out the gray and crimson crowbar and stood up. As I did, my mind brushed thought with the fact I had a Walkie on me.

I'm glad it didn't make any noise because I'm sure as hell (with the luck I have had recently), that it would've made some kind of noise and got me killed.

I pulled out the Walkie and turned it on.

"Sarah to everyone; where the fuck y'all asses at?"

There was static on the line, until:

"Lucy to Sarah; what happened? We've been trying to contact you!"

"Sarah to Lucy; well, I was bathing in a pool of blood so that could've had something to do with it"

"Isaiah to Sarah; what the hell happened?"

"Sarah to everyone: there is no time for all this! Abraham and Grace are in the other room. Where are y'all?"

"Jason to Sarah; we are in the kitchen. We hid when Grace came down, and then went to the kitchen so we wouldn't be caught by Abraham when he woke up"

"Sarah to everyone; stay there. I'm coming up soon. Stay put in the kitchen"

I turned off my Walkie, before my sister could reply and walked out the room. I looked to the right knowing that the brick wall was that way.

But, I turned my head to the left and saw a room that was emanating light and heard a low, mumbling voice I placed as Abraham's voice.

Now, my mind was at a crossroads.

Do I leave with the evidence I already have?

Or do I gain more evidence by looking at what Abraham and Grace were doing?

It'd be better to go in the room and subdue Abraham, so that when I make my escape; I won't have to worry about being discrete.

I took down Grace, and apparently she has issues. So how hard could taking down Abraham be?

I didn't have to answer that question, because my body started to make their way to the room on the left.

I leaned into the room cautiously and saw Abraham with his back turned away from me. He was leaning over a clean, but bruised Grace; that was lying unconsciously on the peach colored bed. Grace was lying on a well sized bed, which was positioned in the middle of the room. To the northeast of the 'lovely couple' there was a hardwood door that looked similar to the ones in the Church. There were no windows but there was a fan, which was turned off, and the lights were on. The floor was hardwood and newly waxed but (if I squinted hard enough) I could see a faint scarlet color in the floor.

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