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"When you lie down, you will not be afraid, when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet" ~ Proverbs 3:24

"Well, Boredom is my new best friend" I pondered aloud.

The constant chatter from my clock paused at midnight before resuming. Ever since the party a couple of days ago, my body has the nerve to wake me up when the dates roll over and then keeps me up until the morning light. My mom has noticed the eye bags and asked me to sleep but that's not a possibility. I think it's Sleep Deprivation and normally when this happens, I talk to myself more than I should (in this case- it manifested into my new BFF), or I'm stuck in an endless tornado of thoughts. It's like when a person is trying to sleep and that's when your mind finally decides to open the flood gates of thoughts, questions, embarrassing moments, or regrets a person may have- and that's what keeps them awake.

Tick, tock.

Insomnia has turned into boredom for me. Sleep has always been my favorite past time and now that I can't get any of it- I just stare off into space. Sometimes, I'll fight the light bright screen on my phone and check my social media- but just to see all my old friends from Florida partying or havin' fun in general. I go to my old group chats and say, "Hi y'all, y'all ain't hit me all day. What the fuck is the problem? Is it me?" Then when they don't answer quick enough, my new best friend, Boredom, quips, "Your friends suck, fuck 'em, get over 'em"

I've been in this room for so long my eyeballs have turned into dry walls. Then my mind wanders into depression with quotes like, "I can't be alone. I been starting to feel like I don't know anyone"

So now I'm staring at my ceiling fan going like, "I don't know where I'm going with my existence"

Damn, Boredom is an emotional friend.

Tick, tock.

If it wasn't for this constant ticking sound, then my mind would wander nonstop in the wrong direction.

Tick, tock.

The light from my clock draws my attention and makes me sigh as my inner dialogue concluded to only two minutes.

I tried knocking on sleep's door as I close my eyes but only to have them to open due to Boredom calling my attention to my boxes in the corner of my room.

Well, I guess I should get up and look through some boxes to pass time.

Rolling out of bed and dragging my stiff jointed body to the boxes, I flip the nearby switch and brace for impact as my pupils adjust. Three boxes full of memories from Florida are in damp, beige, cardboard boxes and taped with green duck tape. I peel the tape back and flip through some of the clubs I was in: Debate Club, Latin Language Club, and the German Language Club.

Damn- I'm a nerd.

Tick, tock.

I picked up a folder full of my notes from the Latin Language Club and skim through all the grades I kept in that class. I cringe as I look at the shit smelling failed papers and smile at the papers with a passing grade and a sticker.

I was about to go to my German folder, but a ring of notecards fell and made a crack in the silence as it hit the floor.

Picking them up; they read, "Latin Vocabulary- DON'T FORGET" Curiosity got the better of me and I flipped through them- absent mindedly reading them, passing each one as they recharged some spark of knowledge until-


chicken ~ pullum watermelon ~ pepon meat ~ cibus beans ~ faba

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