Operation Talking Bodies

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"For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for man for the remission of sins" ~ Matthew 26:28

"Who made his damn operation name?" I heard Lucy complain while I was walking down the screaming wooden steps that lead down to the basement.

After drugging Abraham, I called Mary and we dragged him to his room. I left Mary to her father because I was already touching that man way more than I wanted to.

"Mary came up with it" I answered, taking in the full basement.

It looked like something out of an old movie. The walls were dyed thick scarlet and coffee colored carpets. There were bookshelves on every wall, which was stacked to the brim with novels of every kind. A polar bear carcass took place in the middle of the floor and sat in front of a fireplace. Matching mahogany chairs were facing away from the bookshelves and contained the bodies of Lucy and Des. The boys were looking at the bookshelf behind the chairs, until I made my entrance into the room.

"Hey Sarah; did the Novacane work as planned?" Jason walked over to me and patted my shoulder.

"Like a charm, Jason. He was out like a light bulb" I chuckled.

"So, what's the plan from here?" Des asked; getting out of her chair. Isaiah joined her and stood by her side as Ethan moved to my side. Lucy's heels made a 'clack' noise every time she walked and stood by Jason's side.

"We wait for Mary's signal. Once we hear the signal, then we can start searching for where they keep the blood. Then, and only then, can we search for as much evidence as possible" Jason answered.

"Why can't Mary come down here?" Isaiah asked.

"Someone has to keep an eye out for Grace. The Novacane should keep Abraham out for a couple hours but just in case something happens; we can be ready to go"

"Do you have a clue where it's held?" I asked. Something about this place made all my hairs go stand at attention and they didn't settle down since taking my first step on the stairs.

Jason thought for a second before answering. "I vaguely remember where it is, from when I was a kid. They could've changed the spot but my parents always kept things the same"

"I hope you remember. I don't want to be here more than I have to" I mumbled.

"Mary to everyone; the cocaine has been fried and dried" Mary said before snickering on the other end.

"Jason to Mary; thanks and keep your line open" Jason replied.

"Mary to Jason; affirmative" Mary answered before Jason shut off his line.

"Okay so Isaiah and Ethan; you are with me. Des and Sarah; you're with Lucy" Jason ordered. "If y'all decide to wander around; meet back here in thirty minutes" Jason finished. We all nodded and the boys went to a narrow hallway that was on the other side of the fireplace.

"Alright ladies; let's find something worth yappin' about" Lucy said going to a bookshelf and started moving books around.

I looked at Des and she shrugged her shoulders. "Um, Lucy? What are you doing?" I asked her.

She sighed before turning around and looking at me with a smirk. "You know as well as I do; that if someone has this many books, then they have a secret passage somewhere"

She had a point there.

Lucy went back to checking books while Des and I just shrugged and followed suit. I went over to a bookcase that read 'Longaevus'.

Whatever the fuck that meant.

I passed over books like: 'To Kill A Mockingbird', 'Pride or Prejudice', and 'The Crucibles'. I kept moving books randomly, but did it so that it looked like no one was snooping through their stuff.

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