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"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you" ~ 1 Peter 4:12

"I've just dug myself a hole deeper than elephant shit" I put my hands on my face and was sure there were blood streaks running down my face from the scarlet ribbons that laced themselves, intricately, around my small fingers. I looked at the crowbar in my hands; then glanced at the small pool of crimson underneath Abraham's head. His chest rose and depleted, slowly, but it showed me that he was alive.

Even though I'm glad I'm not a murder; I wouldn't be sad if he died.

I started to walk out of the room and took one look back. Looking at Grace on the bed and Abraham, both unconscious, made me want to finish the job.

I shook my head of the murderous thoughts.

They'll get what's coming to them; soon.

I ran out of the room and picked up my Walkie. Turning it on; I heard a colorful conversation.

"- My sister is down there with these fucks; and you want me to calm down? What the fuck, Jason!" I heard my sister's voice ring out as I came to a slow, walking pace.

"Sarah to everyone; I'm-"

"Lucy to Sarah; are you sure you're fine? You didn't answer after I called you"

I came to a full halt as I remembered something crucial to my current mental and physical state.

"Sarah to Lucy; speaking of which, I was spying on Abraham and his wife, when you called me. Lucy! You almost got me killed! It's a good thing I had a damn crowbar!"

"Mary to Sarah; what did you do to daddy? I swear if you-"

"Sarah to Mary; shut the hell up Mary. If you heard what he was saying, you wouldn't be defending him"

I ran past the room Regina Thompson's body was in and stopped. I walked in the room and went over to the body. It was still as disgusting as the backside of a walrus' ass that had bathed in garbage truck juice for weeks before licking itself clean and starting the process all over again.

I had to pinch my nose because the smell was starting to get to me. Maybe it was the adrenaline that knocked out the smell because it started to smell like cat piss that molded over time into cheese and was deep fried into a shit crusted cheese pizza.

"Sarah to Ethan; did y'all get the blood?" my Walkie buzzed and took me out of my trance.

"Ethan to Sarah; yeah. Why; you find something better than DNA?"

"Sarah to everyone; yeah, I most likely found the body the blood belonged to"

I head a blink of silence then a click.

"Jason to Sarah; whose body is it?"

"Sarah to Jason; it's from a middle-aged woman named Regina Thompson"

I heard more silence and began to tap my angry foot against the whimpering floor.

"Sarah to everyone; come on guys! Don't leave me out of the loop!"

"Des to Sarah; the Thompsons were the people living in y'all's house before"

I thought about what Des said for a while. The people before Lucy and me? I never really cared about them, but I did ask about them. When I asked my dad; he said, "Bitches that let a good house go to waste". 

But when I asked my mom, she replied, "A pregnant lady and her lawfully wedded husband".

"Sarah to Des; was Regina Thompson pregnant?"

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