Imaginary Parties

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"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" ~ 1 John 1:9

"I'm so sorry Grace took your life before you could breathe life on this Earth" Abraham sobbed. "You could've made your dad proud" Abraham dug into his pocket for a handkerchief and blew his nose nosily. The coldness attacked his silent pants and make the fight visible to see.

I looked at Des and Ethan and saw the same expression on all our faces.

We were shook.

But, rewind- did he just say, "My son?"

"Did you just hear what I just heard?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, you idiot. We all heard" Des sneered. "But what does that mean?"

"Maybe that's Regina Thompson's lost son?" I questioned.

"Even if that's the case- then why did he call him his son?" Ethan brought up.

"Come on now; he always says that. He calls all of the congregation his sons and daughters" Des waved her hand as she ruled that theory out.

"I dunno. He made it sound like it was his actual ch-" Des slapped her hand over Ethan's mouth.

Abraham suddenly perked up from sobbing and looked left and right.

"It seems that we have an audience, son"

The three of us grew stiff backs and made the ever-beating bass of our hearts ease.

"God and Jesus has joined us"

We slowly let our breath run free and regained beat within our hearts.

"Oh, thank God. I thought he meant-" I started right before I realized that God is a comedian.

"And it seems like we have an uninvited audience"

"No, you don't" Ethan whispered while Des smacked her face.

"I'm gonna take a picture" I say pulling my phone.

"Sarah, I swear to God- sometimes your brain is the same color as your eyes" Des shook her head.


"You have a screw loose in your head" Ethan translated.

"I know I do. Lucy tells me all the time that I do" I saw slowly standing up while ignoring Des' and Ethan's protest of me staying quiet. In my mind- Abraham already knows that someone is here; and according to my horrible luck- he may only suspect it's me.

Jason says to get evidence and that's exactly what I will do.

Even if it is of his wackily daddily.

I extended my right arm and kept my hand of the camera button as I stretched forward. Bracing myself against the stiff, frozen body and trying to ignore the fact that I was eyes-to-nuts level; I pushed it slowly aside to take a step forward. After dropping my arm (because of a sudden cramp) I repositioned it and saw that the baby and Abraham was in the shot on my phone.

I hit the camera button and the shutter sound went off.

Abraham whipped around quickly and I saw rage create lightening streaks in his eyes.

"Shit" I whisper as I back up and the twins rise from behind the body to flank my back.

Abraham stands up so fast that I can hear the joints that locked his knees together snap alive and jolt awake with sudden movement.

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