Chapter 17

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Dear Diary,

So school was interesting. Honestly, last terms results were really bad. My highest mark was an A and my lowest mark was a C-. 3 C-. THREE. My grades have fallen so low and with my dad always comparing me to Kim, my sister, I just feel worse. I guess this term I'll stop being lazy, try my best and see what marks I get. I'm also studying on the plane at the end of the year. What? Apparently, so many people want to kill themselves in math, including Kim, so I will take her advice and study ahead. She also said she would help me since she has already experienced hell so it's all good....for now.


Byron and I are officially biffles. Well I think it's been like that for a long time but oh well. We laugh at the stupidest things, like I'm serious. He made a picture of (apparently me) running through a meadow in cosplay and an old mans mask. I don't know what goes on in his head but he's my brother, so I respect that. It was really funny though. It actually got me laughing for about 5-10 minutes straight. We were walking over to the bus today and we were discussing who we should set his mate, S, with. At first we both said we should find S a suited biffle, but then B slipped who S liked. I won't tell anyone because that's just a dick move, I have made a lot of dick moves so i know the consequences. The person that I was going to set S up with as a biffle, was actually the person he likes! B and I's first mission would be setting these two up. We will say its as a biffle thing, but it won't. This is going to be one hell of an interesting term.

Also, B's crush came today. She was collecting her blazer from the uniform shop.  I can see what B likes about her and if he was a little taller, they would make the cutest couple.


Thing is I hate it when people think they know me. This one time, I said something and A said, 'no, I know you.' I replied with, 'clearly, not anymore.' She was taken back I swear. No one knows me back to front. Not even Kim. Everyone has at least one deep secret and I have plenty. I just don't tell anyone because one day,t hey will use it against me. It has happened before and that's what changed me into the person I am now, I guess. On this topic, N is the blackmail queen. I know she says it as a joke, but sometimes, I actually get scared that she will tell people what I tell her. I mean, H is in their group now and I wonder if N has told anything to H. I highly doubt it but some stupid part of me thinks she would. And there's one sentence that really annoys me, 'I have so much to use against you'. I actually get scared sometimes because it's true. Those three know a lot about me. But I'll tell every reader my greatest weakness, well not the full story, my past.



Ok so as usual, it's about Du. So I remember one day, Morgan had a go at A and M. I think I have already told this story. Anyway, I could see that both M and A were close to tears. A was the first person to break. She started crying and Morgan, being the mean person she is, told Du that it was his job. Honestly, throughout Morgans rant, I could see Du just repeating, 'I told you this' over and over in his head.

After, Morgan decided to talk to A about the situation and Du called a drink break. Being the person I am, I hated seeing my friends in a bad mood. Even though I couldn't stop it I would at least try and help. When everyone walked back to the courts, I talked to M. I held her by the shoulders and told her that if she needed to complain or to 'rage' at someone, I was here. She agreed and told me that she was about to cry, but A already cried and she had to be strong. I guess that's the best thing about M. Even though she just wants to break down and cry, everyone else's feelings come before her own. Throughout my short rant to her, I kept glimpsing back to the courts. I need to explain the scenery first. The two volleyball courts are looking towards the toilet block and on the side of the toilet block, there is bubblers (water fountains).

I was facing the volleyball courts and m was in front of me. As I kept glancing back, I dp saw Du just staring at M and I. I dismissed that thought but then Lucy told me he was just staring towards the bubblers, where M and I was standing.


So there was this other time at a game, where Morgan wasn't present. We were training outdoors and it was quite hot. Thing is, I turn red whenever I do sport and people mistake it for blushing. Mate, when you do sports, blood has to pump to your heart and at a faster rate so he body can get the oxygen it needs. Unlike some people, I have never had a tan before. Well on my arms and legs, yes, but on my face, no. I think of it like this, if you tan your skin gets thicker and doesn't show he blood that's underneath. Since my face has never had a tan before, when I'm hot, it shows more clearly than other people. I'm just thankful that I have never had any pimples or zits before.

Anyway, back to the story. As I said, I turn red when I play and Du noticed ( -fangirl- ). J told me that he Du was worried about me and this has happened before as well. We were doing one of his punishments (for not doing part of the drill correctly. Ugh.) and I was doing a lame attempt of a push-up. I can't do push-ups if the world relied on me. I was moving down when by reflex, my knee moved forward. In other words, since I have weak arms, I relied on my knees to hold my body weight. I hit it pretty hard and he just said. 'Don't hurt yourself now.' And I replied with 'like you care.' I admit, that's really cold of me but hey, he was cruel.


1- if someone's natural smells good to you, then you literally have a chemical connection. Your genes are pretty much designed for each-other and are begging to get together. Studies shows.

2- if two people, of the opposite gender are standing together and they smell really good, then they may be a destined couple. Examples:

Two people named Anney and James are dating. These two look good and smell good together and has lasted a long time. They can't stand not talking to each-other. Another couple, S an C were dating. When they were together,they smelt like burnt smoke. They lasted about a month but barely talked.

Also, if someone smells good by themselves, they might have found the destined 'one'. So tell them ;) besides, the reason i really cant get over Du is that he smells REALLY, REALLY, REALLY GOOD. LIKE I DONT KNOW IF ITS HIS COLOGNE OR SOMETHING BUT HE SMELLS LIKE A CANDYSHOP.


I kind if hate drama now. I don't know why, but it just makes me feel insecure and afraid. I think it's that singing lyrics is just weird. As bad as this sounds, I would hate to be in the same class as A. I mean, she's cool and all but she has to understand that I treasure my grades. ALOT. And I hate singing in front of a crowd. And I can't tolerate her alone. And as bad as this sounds, she wants to do Math B. She will die and complain, because my older sister, who used to be an ace student in math, gets C's and D's. B-'s tops.


So I have a friend named Tam. I wanted to punch her in the face today. Ash stole her phone as a joke and she full on screamed. Like my ears were still ringing at the end of lunch. Then she tells us that if her mum doesn't give her something she screams or holds her breath.

Ok what.




You know that moment when you realise that you have a really attractive friend?

Not the 'I want to have sex with you' way, but the 'I'm actually friends with that hot person' way.



I took initiative today. I sent Du a message on Facebook and it turned out to be an hour conversation. Thing is, I never actually say 'hi' or 'hey' or anything a normal person would say. I said, 'OK.OK.OK.DO YOU KNOW POREOTICS? No? Oh. THEYRE AMAZING AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH'. I actually said that. -facepalm- but he's just so cute and amazing and...UNIQUE AHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAH. I'll stop now. See you next update!

p.s on the side is a video i have been OBSESSED with. The main dancer is Chad Mayate from my favorite dance crew, poreotics (they are tied with Quest crew). I honestly find the video xD But the choreography is amazing. So enjoy <3


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